Month: May 2004

Hospitals Suck

I hate hospitals. And nursing homes. And cemeteries. But what I hate even more are hospital workers who are indifferent and dumb… I sat in the hospital room…

Weekend Update

Alternative: How to fit a month full of fun into one weekend. (I am sooo good at this game!) And we roll into Cleveland Friday evening…just in time…

I get by with a little help from my friends…

Bittersweet Monday. Just rolling out of bed…I need to figure out why my body insists on letting me know when each hour passes by waking me up to…

Notes on Depression

Flights of fancy, mercurial moodiness, brilliance, visionary imagination, brooding, morbidity, despair, sensuality, mutability all are aspects of bipolarity. Once upon a time, I thought this was me. I…

I always wanted to go to law school, I just never really wanted to be a lawyer.

Damn law school exam yesterday. Can I just be finished? I always wanted to go to law school, I just never really wanted to be a lawyer. On…

Sunday morning.

I love Sunday mornings. I do not like the cold and rain that has fallen upon the WNY region, indefinitely. But I like the pretty wild violet looking…


I have an irrational fear of eyeballs. Not so irrational, I had cataract surgery on both of my eyes. Of course I already had the fear before the…

Life. In blog form.

I hate Monday. I hate being the girl who waits until the last minute to complete her work. I hate thinking about the person I COULD be if…

May Day

Hmmm. I am working on about 1.5 hours of sleep and I haven’t even reached crunch time yet…interesting. Boring blog ahead… Soooo…last night while the roomie Erin went…