Month: January 2007

What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self

What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self I read this one in Barnes & Noble one afternoon and found lots of tidbits of good advice to…

Confessions of a Slacker Wife

Confessions of a Slacker Wife “I love the man and I know I ‘ll miss him, but shout hallelujah once he’s backed his car down the driveway and…

The Philosopher Cat

The Philosopher Cat I gave this book The Philosopher Cat to my friend Melissa in Rochester for Christmas (who practices Wing Chun and loves her two cats Tony…

2007 Year in Review

2007 Year in Review. WHAT A YEAR. A fantastic, fun filled adventurous year. AND THIS IS WHAT I ENDED UP DOING in 2006  1. I fell in love…

Nighttime Thoughts

From 2007. I recently grabbed a bunch of loose pages from a notepad I keep next to my bed…these are the tidbits of my brain I captured at…

Family Christmas

Part 1: Smith Family Christmas Part 2: Jen Family Christmas Since Day of Thanks was held at Lil Brother’s my mom thought we should have Christmas at my…