Month: June 2009


IRONY? The universe is a cursed, evil, ironic jilted lover today. I opened up the Awe-Manac and found It’s DECIDE TO BE MARRIED DAY? I’m supposed to write…

Michael Jackson

Weird. I just realized I was invoking the MJ on Facebook yesterday afternoon during the storm… Jennifer Smith DARKNESS FALLS ACROSS THE LAND (of downtown Buffalo) the two-o’clock…


Since living in Buffalo I’ve been in a few different neighborhoods. When I first moved, I lived in…wait for it…Williamsville. (GASP! Moi?) I know. Even worse? I lived…

Friendly Advice

A few quotes from friends regarding my Ex and his pending (perhaps already completed…GULP…pit of stomach drop) nuptials? “If I were a man, I’d marry you.” “Perhaps seeing…

Apartment and Books

Apartment and Books. So… This past week I’ve been GRUMPY. Grumpy. Grumpy. *That time of the month* grumpy. Overworked. Tired. Poor. Unhealthy. But I’ve been reading like a…


Speechless. So, today is the day that the man I lived with and thought I was going to marry someday (we broke up last October) emailed me on…

Tiny Poutine

Tiny Poutine. Mmm. Poutine. I discovered thee years and years ago on one of my trips over the border and thought “My God these Canadians have it right!”…

Perfect Storm

Perfect Storm. Seriously, this story is still stuck with me and scares me so. And makes me feel, almost guilty for leaving this profession and wandering into the…

Too Close to Home

Too Close to Home. Dear God. I’m having a really hard time reading this story in the News today. Two youths charged with killing worker at Lockport group…


Things. Last night on my walk home my mind started out in a foul mood. I’m a loser. I should have more money. I should have more nice…

depressed extrovert

Tis no fun at ALL being a depressed extrovert let me tell ya… Friday was a night in. Napping. Reading. Eating. Sleeping. Um…a night in with a very…


Famous. Hee hee. How silly. Last night as I was walking to my porch the nice neighbor next door was coming out of her house and asked me…