Month: July 2010

I dislike talking on the phone.

I dislike talking on the phone. I started never answering my home phone when I was working for an organization that could call me and offer overtime…and if…

Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow!

Last night, I found myself at Club Diablo for a Cockabilly Carnival of sorts. To think the original plan was Shakespeare in the Park to see the all…

The Sun Also Rises

“Isn’t it pretty to think so?” Ah, I haven’t picked up a Very Good Book in a Very Long Time. Until Monday night. I read The Sun Also…

Nothing new here, move along.

Disclaimer: I’m cranky and grumpy and fat and sweaty and PMSy and all kinds of hate summery and lack of caffeine headachy. Continue on at your own risk….

Brigth Ligth

Brigth Ligth Hee hee. I love getting my new battery charger in the mail… The box is so fun to attempt to read! Save

Open Letter to the Universe

Dear Universe, Yep. I get it. I lose my debit card RIGHT before I take a trip to Cleveland. It was reissued and sent on June 30th. AND…

Mini Vacation Movie Wrapup

Ah…longing for the days last week when life was filled with two toddler boys, central air and all the TV you could ever dream of asking for, on…

Cleveland Rocks!

Cleveland Rocks! The Cleveland Pi Ladies. Da…and Doo. Sweetest little AJ. And my adorable shadow Jacob. The boys playing in the sprinkler. AuntieJenSmith and the boys in air…


Hot The sun is too hot. It is too hazy to play. So I sit in my house. On this miserable day. I sit there with Sasha And…