Month: April 2012

Garden 2012: Part Three

Garden 2012: Part Three More. Seeds. We decided the front area where the bushes once lived…will be our herb garden. I decided I shall wear the red gingham…

I quit my job.

Yes, tis my last day of work, but that part is a no-brainer. Almost 5 years is a good shelf life for a non-profit employee before moving on…

One thing remains the same…

One thing remains the same… All Things Jennifer I’ve blogged through three relationships. I’ve blogged through good times and bad times. I’ve blogged through all three of my…


It started out with removing one thing from the front lawn… A giant overgrown bush neither one of us liked that was right on the corner of the…

Hunger Games Trilogy

When Hunger Games hit the theater I was surprised that HWMMS wanted to go see it, opening weekend. I of course still planned on reading the series so…

Ode to my KitchenAid Mixer

Ode to my KitchenAid Mixer Dear shiny new mixer, all stainless and bright How have I lived without you in life? Save


NMP Penguin version! Thank you Bobby! Save

Happy Dyngus Day!

Happy Dyngus Day! I took today off of work…gonna go Dyngus now. Ten reasons why I love Dyngus Day. Vodka. Krupnik. RED the color red is everywhere. Polka,…

Bride, NOT Unhinged!

Me: Bride, NOT Unhinged!. Bride, Unhinged After reading this…I realized, there’s something to be said for finding your partner-in-crime later in life, after living…and really knowing who you…

The Day Yankee Candle Sent Us a Catalog

One day Yankee Candle sent us a catalog. I innocently started to ask HWMMS what candle scent……… *interrupted* “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ARE ASKING ME THIS!” I assumed…