Just a cyclical element of my genetic charm.

Ah, Big D. You come and you go and always come back.

Tis not the weather I love Winter! And once I’m outside I’m happy as a little kid on a snowday. I know the cure, get the hell out of bed!

But, but…my bed is soooooo cozy (new flannel penguin sheets!) and the $15 Amazon Friday Sale space heater is soooo cost-effective and WARM in my bedroom. And there are so many amazing books on my shelves waiting to be read!

Yes, hibernating is a wonderful NORMAL part of everyday existence. Not every day has to be filled with fun events. However, I know myself (too well) and know when hibernating becomes intentional social isolation. There are weekends where I want nothing more in the world than a book, cup of coffee and no outside access to the world. And yes, sometimes you do just want a night in and cancel. And yes, sometimes you do feel like shit and cancel. But…well, I have been avoiding AND canceling.

I’ll snap out of it…I always do, but for now? Back to the books.