I haven’t seen Mr. Club since last Wednesday night. A few texts here and there over the weekend but nothing much. Then again he isn’t a huge texting kind of guy.

Over the past week I had a chance to catch up with LOTS of friends I haven’t talked to in a while. When asking about the new guy I was hesitant to say much. “I don’t know. He’s a good guy. He likes me too much. No he’s not goth.”

Am I self-sabotaging something potentially good?

A few say yes.

I’m just going with the present flow and will figure it all out, sometime but not now.

That said, I invited him over last night. It was the first night I had on my own with no plans and I chose to just hang out and then asked if he would like to come over later. He did, of course. And I was smiley. And he was goofy. And we were smoochy. And it was lovely. And we fell asleep cuddling and happy.

He wanted me to go to a concert with him tonight, but I declined. Tis the band that one person I don’t really ever care to see again LOVES and I knew she would be there. I didn’t want to risk the chance. And yes, this says something and I should figure it out, but, it is what it is.

But I did ask if he wanted to come over to stay with me the night afterwards. Tis nice to sleep next to him.

Yeah, I’m mostly happy right now. Date tomorrow.