What Am I? A Measurement Mind Reader?

Two visits to urgent care, a chest x-ray and 4 prescriptions is still cheaper than ONE month of COBRA coverage for my husband. Poor guy, can’t shake this bronchitis.

Today he got a script for the GOOD STUFF – Tussionex since the wimpy cough stuff with codeine was like drinking water.

HWMMS: How many milliliters are in a teaspoon?

Me: I dunno, check the measuring cup thing.

HWMMS: It doesn’t say?

Me: (Bringing him a spoon from the kitchen.)

HWMMS: This spoon is dirty!

Me: (Wanting to shove said spoon down his sick throat….)

HWMMS: Just check the internet, I don’t trust you.

I’m sure my Husband Who Makes Me Smile meant that in the nicest way. Poor guy needs some sleep. ASAP.