10 Influential Albums of My Teenage Years

What are the 10 Influential Albums of My Teenage Years? I don’t know, but I think I’m going to blog about it. Because Erin did it. And I had Erin on my mind today when I was listening to Happy Country Music out of nowhere this morning and HWMMS asked me why on earth I was listening to Country Music. (I blame her, college.)

Teenage years 13—–17?

  1. Michael Jackson-Thriller
    I cried when I got this record for Christmas.
  2. Journey-Frontiers
    Thank you Auntie Carroll.
  3. Duran Duran-Seven and the Ragged Tiger
    I can’t imagine a childhood without my Linda Lu being Mrs. Taylor and me being Mrs. LeBon.
  4. Dirty Dancing Soundtrack
    Because, hello.
  5. Madonna-Like a Virgin (and True Blue, eeek how do I choose?)
    Oooh. Tough call.
  6. Whitney Houston-Whitney Houston
    Cause I believe the children are our future.
  7. Milli Vanilli-Girl You Know It’s True
    Cause it was my very first *live* rock concert. Right Melbro and Auntie Carroll?
  8. Depeche Mode-Violator
    Thank you Katie.
  9. Michael W. Smith – Change Your World
    Thank you Krissyfur.
  10. How do I choose? Cyndi Lauper? George Michael? I had a tough time coming up with the last one and then it came to me…Les Miserables! Cause seriously, what would my life BE without Les Mis?

Your turn.

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