Otherwise known as 18th Century Family Time. This year we did a day trip on Suday in order to attend the graduation party of my dearest Jessie Penguin on Saturday.
It was my first event with the new stays. OOh my word—practically indecent! I felt embarassed when not covered up, which is a new thing for this usually loud and proud cleavage flaunting larger than DD lass!
Ah, there I feel better. All covered up.
This wee one knows she’s a favorite and I adore her sass.
While watching the battle together this afternoon…
My Sister Wife’s Mini Me: Who’s your husband again?
Me: Chuck. He’s the one on the end…
My Sister Wife’s Mini Me: You know my mom was married to Chuck, right?
Me (thinking to myself and giggling at the thought of what the people around us must be thinking): Yes, Yes dear I do.
Zara posed with an 18th Century Snapchat filter! Rabbit nose out of real rabbit fur! Ha. This actually cracked me up way more than it should have.
My dashing HWMMS kept us and the kiddos entertained before dinner.
Ovary overload. Watching him play with the little boys, too darn sweet.
And the kiddos, oh, the kiddos…it brings my heart much joy to watch all the cousins spend time together…and the outfits. Man, just when I think I’m off wanting kiddos of my own. I don’t know how the sisters do it though, man, they have a lot of energy.
Do I looke like a person who can chase around wee ones 24/7? I have the song from Les Miserables in my head while looking at this photo “Master of the House…” Thank you for the photo Jolene.
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