27 (times 3) things about me!
1. My name is Jennifer Smith, feels like Jane Doe…My Mom tells me Dad liked Ethel Anne. I am glad I’m Jennifer. Although I can not wait to change my last name when I get married… someday…there are too many of me out there, many I do not want to associate with! One time my doctor office confused my chart with another Jennifer Smith…when the nurse asked me if I was still taking all these meds I told her no, and asked what they were for…she told me to ask the doctor. When the doctor came in, she looked mortified. The drugs were for several STD’s. Wrong Jennifer Smith! Alas…
2. No one calls me Jennifer, but I think I want them to start. The kids I worked with sometimes did, but mostly Ms. Jen. I am pretty much exclusively known as Jen, although family and friends from High School call me Jennie. (Jenny, Jenni, Jeni…I tried them all on for size!)
3. I turned 30 at the very end of last year and I am having fun watching all of my friends take their turn! I like it from this side. Although the concept for me personally was not as easy as I expected it to be.
4. Alice is my girl baby name. (Alice was my Grandmother.)
5. Simba and Sasha are my two cats. My bookends. They are 3 years old, both brown tabby colored. I love them to pieces. Simba is more like a small dog. Sasha is more like a princess. They are both boys, and I got them at the SPCA during the buy one get one free cat days. I love a good sale!
6. I will refuse to pay $.50 more for a grocery product that I know will be on sale in three weeks, but I have no problem throwing $8 down for an amazing margarita or long island iced tea or anything else I think I want or need at the time.
7. I love grocery shopping, I total my purchases in my head and almost always come up within a dollar of what the total actually is…if I’m off for some reason, I get very mad.
8. I grew up in WNY and loved my High School. I loved every second of my private college I paid for too…and I am a sorority girl and do not regret it. Most of my best lifelong girlfriends are my sisters from Alpha Delta Pi.
9. I have one brother who means the world to me. I might have bossed him around a little, but he is a better person for it today! I have an incredible sister-in-law who I’m blessed with as a friend as well as a family member. I don’t know what I would do without them in my life.
10. I grew up wanting a younger sister, and adopted the little girl neighbor as my very own. When I actually got a younger step-sister and step-brother.
11. I have moved basically every year since graduating from college. Every year my brother moves my stuff. He is a saint.
12. My craziest move, as well as the craziest thing I have ever done, would be moving to North Carolina with a group of high school friends, after we graduated from college. I closed my eyes and pointed to a place on the map, North Carolina, and my friend and I packed up her Blue Beretta and drove to Raleigh, NC. No apartment, no job. Just Magic 8 Ball. My other 3 girlfriends from High School made the move after we did.
13. The house in Raleigh that the 5 of us lived in was the nicest house I have ever lived in. We had our very own, fenced in backyard with an inground pool and poolhouse. All to ourselves. I can not wait to write about this story someday, our timing was impeccable. Much fun.
14. I hated living in North Carolina. I knew it was a temporary fix, something to do after college before going to law school, but I had no idea how much I would crave being back home in WNY and seeing the four seasons. I am not a beach warm-weather person. Winter is by far my most favorite time of year.
15. My favorite scent of all time is Bath and Body Works Peach. Which has been discontinued…I also have been wearing Estee Lauder Knowing since I was 15 and countless random people have complemented me on the scent, it must blend well with my chemistry, when I’m not over-wearing it, which I tend to do.
16. I love potatoes. French fried, scalloped, baked, garlic smashed or hashed. LOVE THEM. Not sure I could give them up if I tried…
17. My drug of choice is caffeine. Coffee is a simple, guilty pleasure I never intend to live without…although I do sometimes cut down to decaf…in college the drug was the Dew. Could not function without Mountain Dew.
18. I have been branded with 100 nicknames. I am not sure if I could list them all if I try…Peepers, Peeps, Jenny Penny Saver, Miss Prissy, Jennifer Maude, Bean, Smithj2, Smithers, Smith, Dumbass, Dumb, Spunky, Spirit, Dadoo, TB…babygirl ; )
19. My favorite is Smithj2, which came from my college e-mail address, my very first e-mail address (went to college before everything was www connected! YIKES!) I was the Spirit chair for our sorority and of course, being spirit…I sent out a lot of spirited e-mail, hence the nickname, still today!
20. I love, love, love my Buffalo Bills and I curse like a drunken sailor during games.
21. Penguins are my thing. I love penguins. I want to go on an excursion in Antarctica someday. I have a plethora of penguins all over my apartment, especially at Christmas time.
22. My most wonderful time of the year is the week of Christmas-New Years. Staring with Christmas Eve-Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Birthday, New Years Eve-Eve, New Years Eve…I always imagined getting married sometime during this week as well…putting all of my favorite things in the same week! However, I can see myself getting married in any season…
23. I’m a holiday freak. Like to celebrate all of them…comes with the territory of being the spirit chair-type personality!
24. I grew up thinking I wanted to be a teacher or politician. I’m now graduating from law school and thinking about getting my education degree. I could be in school forever. And I have the loans to prove that I already have been!
25. I’m a night owl who dreams of becoming a morning person. On those rare occasions I’m a morning person, I LOVE myself completely.
26. My voter registration card says Republican. And 51.27% of the time, I would say that I fit this bill, the other 49.73% of the time? I’m all over the place.
27. My favorite number is 27. Of course.
28. I LOVE Cherry Vanilla ice cream the most. And Cherry Chip cake.
29. I’m originally from a small town an hour south of Buffalo. I lived on a rabbit/grape farm growing up and dreamed of having my first kiss in the hayloft. (Never happened, not the kiss, but the hayloft!)
30. My favorite fiction book (play?) is Romeo and Juliet, and I realize what this says about me…Ay me, sad hours seem long.
31. My favorite non-fiction book? All’s Fair (Carville and Matalin)
32. I love dogs. Big dogs. And floppy ear dogs, however as much as I whine about wanting a dog, I know I will only get one when I’m in a house with a husband. Just cause that is what I want.
33. I love penguins. I have visited my friendly friends at the Niagara Falls Aquarium (where I’m a member) the Toronto Zoo and Sea World in Sandusky, OH. In High School we traveled to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, but the penguin exhibit was CLOSED when we were in town. As soon as I saw the sign, half of the chorus turned to me and said they were sorry! I was the majority soprano one whip who wanted to see the penguins dammit! VOTE FOR THE AQUARIUM! And they did…I have a sad Jen photo of me in front of the sign, while wearing penguin boxer shorts.
34. I want to travel to Egypt to tour the pyramids, climbed the ones in Mexico already…but would love to go back.
35. I have no famous relatives. And I damn well hope I am not related to the Kennedy’s of Massachusetts somewhere in my grandmothers line…
36. The only time in my life I was speechless was when I met the God of My Idolatry- Ron Hawkins from the Lowest of the Low. I met him backstage, he did an encore of Dogs of Februrary for me…and I ended up chatting him up at the coffee shop the next day, with the rest of the band before a record store appearance. Surreal. I love this man.
37. I was once in the studio audience for Hardball and well, lots of times at Crossfire…damn that Tucker Carlson crush!
38. I saw Billy Joel in concert in 1992. But Milli Vanilli was my first concert…I could not even count the number of concerts I have been to in the last 5 years…I LOVE LIVE MUSIC! No show is ever the same…
39. I can no longer sleep naked because I’m once again living with a roomie. But last year on my own, I think I spent 85% of my time in my apartment naked or in my bra and panties. I never knew I was this person until I lived alone…
40. I know every word to Les Mis from the Complete Cast Recording!!! And Rent, And Jesus Christ Superstar, And Man of La Mancha, And Phantom (when Colm played the lead in Toronto, there is no better recording!) Oh God, the list goes on and on…everytime I see a show I want to be on stage singing. But I am not good with that whole dancing thing…
41. I prefer to brush with Mentadent, but sometimes I go for the coupon brand…
42. I’m not a fan of swedish fish. Or anything rubbery and gummy for that matter.
43. I love to sing. I need to sing…I was a soprano one in high school and three months later in college I sang alto two.
44. I have never been on a cruise and would LOVE to go…only if it was a tour of South America. I’m not one for the all inclusive touristy vacations on the sundeck and beach though, I would be off the ship at the crack of dawn and wandering around, getting in trouble ; )
45. I wear an 8 1/2 shoe.
47. I HATE casinos…especially the ones that think they are going to fix the economy of the region and make things worse in the long run.
48. One of my most favorite past times is spending the day in a bookstore/coffee shop and browsing the new magazines on the shelf. You name it, and I read it…all of them, well not ALL but close.
49. I have never watched Star Wars. (eek!) BUT I do know the characters.
50. I also have not watched the Wizard of Oz. (Not sure how this has happened.)
51. I am soooo not into the Harry Potter- Lord of the Rings movie sensation that has sweeped the nation. But I’m like that about movies…make a big deal about it, and I don’t care. I’m not a huge movie goer…or renter.
52. I took one 7 week class of class piano in college. But mainly because the guy I loved and my best friend decided to take it with me. I managed to learn Ode to Joy using two hands, despite the fact that I never practiced, ever, unless skipping Monday class before piano counts! Piano class kicked ass. We had keyboards that faced opposite of each other that were plugged into headphones. Somehow, my dearest Jay (unrequited best friend love) would switch the headphones so I could hear HIM play when I would practice for the professor. Good times.
53. My favorite TV shows are Alias, Arrested Development and Six Feet Under (although I am without the HBO at the present time to see the gorgeous Nate Fisher.
54. I hate Wheel of Fortune. I do not understand why the audience has to clap while the wheel spins, and what is the purpose of Vanna exactly? The fact that Pat Sajak has not aged disturbs me…my grandmother, who passed away in 1989 loved this dumb show.
55. I have been in two school musicals: The Music Man, and The Sound of Music.
56. I would like to have 4-5 children someday, but most likely 3 because I’m 30 and currently kidless. Although I plan on adopting after my own are grown.
57. If you don’t vote. Don’t tell me about it. People who do not vote annoy me. In 1992 I drove home from college for the night to vote because I did not get my absentee ballot for in on time…plus that was my first Presidential Election!
58. I wish…I had a garden.
59. My favorite beverages are Milk and Welch’s Apple-Grape-Raspberry Juice. My Aunt Carroll took me to Chi-Chi’s the first time when I was in Middle School and offered to get me a fun N/A frozen beverage…and I chose milk.
60. I have never broken a bone, surprisingly enough, since I’m a huge klutz! I had a pair of chunky heels that I loved and I kept tripping in…and I went to the psychic in Lilydale and she said to be careful of a broken foot with a fall…later that week I fell smack on my face in Pizza Hut wearing those fabulous shoes, and I threw them away!
61. I once won a coloring contest…I won a free Popple! All I did was make the floor into a red/white checkerboard…I think that is why I won.
62. My favorite board game is Monopoly. Although drunken SORRY! is becoming a cult favorite!
63. I would never get a tattoo. They annoy me. I can’t wait for all the tattooed people to get old and wrinkly…
64. I’m obsessed with Christmas music…one time while working at Ruby Tuesday at the Crabtree Mall in Raleigh NC, I had the cute manager Patrick put in the Christmas CD over the sound system, in the middle of July. You would be surprised how many people did NOT notice! Too much fun, I loved my co-workers there.
65. The idea of making a movie called Oceans 12? Is ridiculous to me. But then again I dislike Brad Pitt and George Clooney and hate Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas…Julia has become obnoxious too. Throw all of them in the mix and I would rather stay home and read Living History by Hillary Clinton. Ugh. I said this out loud while in Cleveland the other weekend and the group of girls jumped down my throat! Almost the same reaction as when they all found out I was a registered Republican. People are funny.
66. Although I only have three more classes to take to graduate with my J.D. I’m hopelessly finding myself dreaming about going back to school to become a teacher. Either H.S. Social Studies or Elementary Education. Both intrigue me. I always wanted to teach 3rd grade and I think I would be amazing at this job, but not sure if it would be intellectually challenging enough for me…I might end up wanting to do policy and administration work…Social Studies? Wow…do I know enough? No…this scares me. Alas…I think Teach For America would be a great option for me…and I might apply for next year.
67. The first time I went to a sex toy store was when I lived in Raleigh NC, the SUPER neon store called Priscilla’s. I went with my 3 best friends from HS and roomies. While in the store I made sure to buy my purchase (ahem!) with cash, I did not want a paper trail…and I hid my face in embarrassment afraid that video cameras were present…after all I wanted to run for office someday…well, now I am posting this information on the internet. And I’m not ashamed.
68. I once had to go to the hospital because I stuck a raisin up my nose. I was 3 years old. I have been in the hospital quite a few times in my life…but nothing recently, except for outpatient cataract surgery on both eyes.
69. My personal clothing style ranges from liberal sandal scarfy flowy skirt hippy chick wear to classic straight skirt, boiled wool jacket and pearls. All over the place. I love being me.
70. I either LOVE pictures of me or HATE them. I’m never, EVER indifferent.
71. I want a nice camera so I can start taking more pictures and learning photography.
72. I’m not fond of small babies. I’m afraid of breaking them . Until my little cousin Jessica was born…I held her the second I saw her and never let her out of my arms..maybe she is one of my favorites. I can’t help it! : ) I still want to give my babies to my brother and sister in law to raise until they are about 2. Then I can handle them…I’m obviously NOT ready to have a child!
73. I had a crush on my high school art teacher…and no this is not why I have an interest in art that I have not fully developed.
74. I have been blessed with many friends from High School and College. I’m one of the few people I know who loved both. Loved HS. Loved college. I guess I was destined to hate law school! I started law school at a time when I was not ready to go to law school, hence me now 5 years later waiting to finish. The friends I made in law school were either those of my ex boyfriend (who I do not talk to anymore) or my roomies ex-boyfriend, who was a good friend of mine before he became an asshole.
75. I’m completely uncertain of what I’m going to do when I get married someday. I love too many friends dearly…but 27 attendants are FAR too many.
76. I cannot think of one class that I took in college or law school that I took because I knew it was easy and I would ace the class…not even for the general requirements! My general science requirements…uck! I took real chemistry, real calculus and real biology. I have two D’s still on my transcript to show for this!
77. My first kiss was my senior year of high school…I was 18 years old.
78. I lived with my paternal grandparents growing up. They were good friends with my maternal grandparents before my parent were married. I only had ONE family. No sides, we always did everything together as one. I also watched in my lifetime the passing of my paternal grandparents, my father and his sister. Too much loss for me to handle by the age of 16. I pretty much was numb to these feelings until illness hit the *other* side of my family. Half a lifetime later, I’m dealing with the feelings I repressed as a teen. I’m getting there…
79. Last year…I had my car stolen, but not stolen…and I was fired…but not fired. What a story!
The car was found in the impound lot months later after the insurance company paid off my loan. Oops. Dumb police. And my JOB? Well, while I was on vacation I was *fired* for a no-show after 3 days (when everyone knew I was in D.C. and was granted the vacation time) The scheduling supervisor at my agency *goofed* (I assume) and told me that he never told me I had the time off (when he did) and because of his mistake, I was fired. He lied to my face. It was AWFUL. I had a meeting with HR, the Union, and 3 supervisors and I was reinstated with backpay. I resigned the next day. The supervisor who was incompetent, I heard, was fired a few months later…this experience has really, really jaded me and my trust in doing good in the non-profit world. And to think that I could have quit a few months earlier after I was assaulted by two of the girls in the middle of the night who tried to steal my keys to take my car. Nope, didn’t quit then. I was there to help these kids…how naive. I have not recovered from this incident. And after working for this agency for 5 years, I am unsure of how I am going to trust in this system again…the time off the last few months have been surprising to me, I have always worked two jobs…needed to be working, needed to make a difference…but this break has been well needed for my sanity.
80. The day I called my boyfriend crying about my job and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life…was also the day that I found out that my ex boyfriend was engaged to my ex-good friend from college. I also had a huge fight with my little brother that day.
81. I always have a lot to say! : )
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