40 Odd Things About Me
1. Do you like bleu cheese? Yes. But only with pizza and wings.
2. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi, but I don’t really do pop.
3. Do you own a gun? Me, no.
4. What flavor of Kool-aid? College- Purplesauraus Rex
5. Hot dogs? Yes please.
6. Favorite TV show? Oy. Favorite? Arrested Development?
7. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes—ish? Spiritual energy type not Casper.
8. What do you drink in the morning? The blood of angry men? Um, coffee. Water.
9. Can you do a push-up? Nope.
10. Favorite jewelry? Pearl necklace from 16th birthday. Penguin necklace from HWMMS. Wedding rings.
11. Favorite hobby? Pick a hobby any hobby! Gardening, cooking, baking, writing, blogging, reading, sleeping, theater…
12. Do you have ADD/ADHD? I have ALL THINGS.
13. Do you wear glasses? Yep
14. Favorite cartoon character? (If I can’t think of just one, perhaps I don’t have one?)
15. Three things you did today? Every Morning – Puppy Time/ Coffee Time/Email Time
16. Three drinks you drink all the time? Water, Coffee, Milk
17. Current worries? State of America
18. Do you believe in magic? Fingers and toes crossed!
19. Favorite place to be? Weber Wonderland
20. How did you bring in the New Year? With HWMMS, two friends, board games (and no power) at Weber Wonderland.
21. Where would you like to visit? Antarctica (penguins!) & Argentina & Vancouver
22. Name five friends who will play along? The 5 reading this sentence right now.
23. Favorite movies? BTTF, Say Anything, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation (So Many Marvel Options)
24. Favorite color? Red
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Nope. Sweaty.
26. Can you whistle? Yep.
27. Where are you now? Couch
28. Where would you rather be now? I’m good right here actually!
29. Favorite food? All Things Potatoes
30. Least favorite chore? Putting Away Laundry
32. What’s in your pocket? My bosom pocket—cell phone. 😉
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Rehearsal last night for Shakespeare in the Parking Lot – A Midsummer Night’s Dream
34. Favorite animal? Penguin
35. What’s your most recent injury? Neverending bronchitis?
36. How many TV’s are in your house? 1 – we have projector downstairs.
37. Worst pain ever? When I had the swine flu, it was the most miserable sickness I’ve ever had. I slept for at least a week. Pain though?
38. Do you like to dance? In the moment.
39. Are your parents still alive? Mom.
40. Do you enjoy camping? Yes, at Old Fort Niagara especially during reenactments. Weber Wonderland is surrounded by the woods so I don’t need a camping fix in general, unless it’s a social invite. I’m not really a fan of camping music festivals tho…I like to hide.
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