All Things Good Trouble – a bunch of links for those wondering WHAT CAN I DO?
- Gandhi-King Global Academy – Civil Resistance 1: The Dynamics of Nonviolent Movements – Seems like this could be a good way to spend some free time.
- fortify inside – “Your meditation. Your prayer. Your morning writing pages. Your long walks. Your art. Your swimming. Your pottery. Yes, even your parenting, if you can show up in the right frame of mind every once in a while. Do the thing that sustains and nourishes you.”
- Don’t Just Do Nothing: 20 Things You Can Do to Counter Fascism – “Make people soup and do not stop inviting them over for soup! Be a reason for living.” That might be my favorite one, but they are all essential
- Some Actions That Are Not Protesting or Voting – So, so, so many good links and resources in this Google Doc!
- ACLU – Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them.
- 5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for U.S. constituents to make a political impact – Do it. This app makes it even easier. GET LOUD! I downloaded the app and it gives you up to date issues to speak to your representatives about!
- Indivisible: Schools should be safe for all students, no matter their immigration status. Demand that your local school board takes a stand!
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