My GOD I miss my Gma Baker so much…Where does it come from?

It’s been only 3 months and I still forget it happened. Correction, I try not to remember it happened. I feel like we should be getting ready for a family get together at home…and then I realize there is no more home. And then I cry.

Last night/early this morning I had a very haunting dream about Gma and Gpa Baker. They were both alive again and the family was completely shocked to hear the news and as we arrived to the hospital, we watched them pass away…for a second time. Awful.

I found out my friend’s Grandmother passed away this morning…and I can’t get my Gma out of my head.

So much so that I refused to make Great-Grandma Kennedy’s Sugar Cookies tonight when I made my shamrock cutouts. I just felt somehow wrong making the recipe, knowing she was gone.

Ugh. I guess it comes and goes. Tonight, it’s sticking hard.

“Nowhere’s home and I’m all wrong…”