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Dirty Nose Jordan

My view trying to work from home today. Giant Puppy’s dirty diggy hole nose is everything. Sweet Dirty Nose Jordan.

Jordan and the Deer Skull

Jordan and the Deer Skull. Giant Puppy found a wonderful hound treat in the woods…the remains of a deer skull attached to part of the hide. Ick. The…

Jordan’s DNA Test Results

Jordan’s DNA Test Results When we adopted Jordan (Giant Puppy) the best guess from the rescue said was she was a Plott Hound/Great Dane mix. Today, we found…

All Things April Fools Weather?

Damn. SUNSHINE this morning on the porch led to replanting (once again) some of the greens… The dogs soaked up the sun along side me. AND THEN A…

All Things 11/17/2022

Last night total… The storm of all stormy storm snowstorms is unlikely to hit Weber Wonderland unless the projections shift further South. We are on the cusp of…

All Things 10/2/2022

LOOK AT THESE PHOTOS OF THE SKY LAST NIGHT. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Just look up every once in a while, the world can have beautiful moments. Even if…

All Things Brindle Duo

I love these brindles so darn much I can hardly remember life without them. Giant Puppy <Jordan> was my “dream dog” I love doggos but always knew I…

Day #44 – Covid Depression

Is today the day I try to just stay up all night and push through the day without a nap to try to reset my body into a…

Media/News Blackout

I reached my limit. I shouldn’t have read these articles, but I did. A grocery clerk with cerebral palsy died of coronavirus. She had kept working to help…

Day #32 – (Feeling Better!)

Feeling Better. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. And dare I say not just better, but ((normal)) after over a month of being sick! Second day in a row. Relief. Sunday night was…

Nighttime Doggos

The time is about 12am last night (this morning.) Harley Boo whined and made me get out of bed to go potty…except NO POTTY for Harley. He just…

Day #25 – Unemployment

Day #1 Unemployment & Day #24 Self-Quarantine I started the day in bed trying to be clever. This is Week #2 HWMMS has been full-time working from home….

Psychic Dogs

A few hours ago I posted this on Social Media. My Harley Boo has been one of my greatest blessings in life, this darn dog just absorbs my…

Me in the Springville Times!

Hey! That’s me in the Springville Times! Meet Your Local Springville Times Team: Jennifer Weber I do prefer being on the OTHER side of these articles (unless of…

Snowy Springville

Snowy Springville. So pretty I could cry. Also, still snowing, gently. Giant Puppy is in love. Nope, not as much as Erie, PA (JEALOUS!) But a pretty darn…

If you give a dog a bone…

If you give a dog a bone… As a mama to two large dogs, with insatiable appetites as well as energy I’m always searching for new ways to…

Two Phobias One Afternoon

Two Phobias One Afternoon. Our Senior Cat Tubby has an eyeball issue. The poor fella was sitting in the corner upstairs with one eye shut. It was crusty,…

Giant Puppy and Her Rock

Giant Puppy and Her Rock. Giant Puppy LOVES to dig GIANT HOLES all over Weber Wonderland. And since we live out in the country and have enough land,…

Morning Person?

REALLY UNIVERSE? You are sending me THIS message this morning? I just wrote this tweet. Despite HATING getting up in the morning, every morning, it’s been a good…

Sunburn Sunday!

Because Saturday sucked, or didn’t go quite as I hoped. I had an early bedtime and woke up at a normal hour this morning. Baby was it cool…

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! I was dreaming about this moment while falling asleep last night. Coffee on the porch with the puppies. Heaven. Outtake: Jordan too, enjoys her coffee on…

Snoring Puppy

Snoring Puppy. I don’t know what it is about a gently snoring Harley Barley Boo that I find so irresistibly endearing. Snoring isn’t supposed to be sweet? But…

Bonded Brindles

Bonded Brindles. Our puppies have a very close bond, this I know. They do almost everything together at all times, except once in a while when emo Jordan…


I’ve been wanting to write about my Harley Boo this week so seeing the word HEART made it easy…my Harley Barley Boo has my whole damn heart. Yes,…

Weber Animal Christmas

Weber Animal Christmas. The stockings were hung on the stairway with care, because if on the fireplace they wouldn’t still be there… Jordan and Harley went through their…

Star Wars Virgin No More!

Here are my random observations upon watching all of the Star Wars movies for the first time before turning 42 years old. Star Wars Virgin, no more. My…

25th December

On the 25th December, just past Midnight, Harley snagged the new gnome left unwrapped for papa and decided it was his new chew toy while Jordan decided she…