Search results: "simba Cat"Page 1 of 2

Simba Cat Smith 2001-2011

Heartbroken. I’m simply heartbroken. I had an awful feeling last night about taking Simba Cat in for surgery this morning. I kept thinking that something else was wrong…

Simba Cat and the Giant Puffy Ear Hematoma

Simba Cat and the Giant Puffy Ear Hematoma Giant Simba Cat is not letting me get a close-up on his boo-boo so these are the best I can…

Dear Simba Cat

Dear Simba Cat, You are a giant kitty who would eat a bowl full of dust bunnies if I put it in front of you…so why do you…

Dani Cat Weber 2006 – 2020

Little Mew died on my chest this morning. Cuddled with her all night. She had a vet appointment Friday and came home with some medicines, probiotics, prescription food…

Introducing Mimi and Annie Cat Weber

NOT that I play favorites of course, but Mimi Cat is going to catapult her way into the favorite spot of my heart pretty quickly. First of all,…

Dani Cat: Queen of the Herb Garden!

Dani Cat. I can’t even express how much I love our fluffy little Dani Cat. She follows me around outdoors, comes when I call her, demands lovin’ most…

Dani Cat

Dani Cat. In other cat news, the last time we saw Dani cat over on All Things Jennifer she was doing…better.  Starting to come around! Hurrah! Well, come…

And Dani Cat Emerges!

And Dani Cat Emerges! Last weekend I moved up to my forever home up in the country and brought along Simba Cat and Sasha Kitten. For those of…

Cats Love Balloons!

Once again. The balloon and decoration festivus scared the hell out of my cats. Simba cat and Sasha kitten are scared of balloons. Apparently this phobia is more…

Dreaming of Sasha Kitten

The other night I had a dream about my Sasha Kitten. But first… I adopted Sasha Kitten along with Simba Cat way back in 2001. They were my…

Matching Pets

With the passing of my sweetest old man Sasha Kitten yesterday I was doing a lot of thinking about his brother Simba Cat.—my matching bookends. It appears I…

Henri Weber 2000-2014

Our hearts are broken. Henri the old Pup gave us a mighty scare last Spring right after we moved to our new forever home. We were blessed to…

Sasha Kitten without Simbers

Sasha Kitten without Simbers Sasha Kitten is missing is big brother Simba Cat. The first few days he seemed to go in and out, in and out, in…

Windshield Wiper Fluid

Windshield Wiper Fluid. Oops. That would be the love of my life with the new plastic siphon he bought at Home Dept after work to get rid of…

Happy Sleep!

Happy Sleep! I know, I know, this happy Jenny stuff is getting out of hand…bear with me. Anyone else LOVE THIS WEATHER because it is PERFECT FOR SLEEPING?…

Here KittyKittyKitty

Here KittyKittyKitty. So, its been a month since we adopted Mama’s kitty…Dani. Dani hasn’t been exactly excited to be in her new home. In fact all the times…


DIZZY. Light-headed. Hmmm. Monday night when I went to bed I had a terrible case of vertigo, scary dizzy light-headedness that didn’t go away in the morning. And…

Weekend Pets

Weekend Pets. Hanging out with these two on the weekend…Makes me miss my . boys. Must get home and spend quality time with Simba Cat and Sasha Kitten….

I *heart* my Keurig!

It NEVER would have occurred to me…a single cup coffeemaker? And then SURPRISE! I opened my present from my Mom and Keith and there it was! Something I…

Sick Day

Sick Day, Today I spent almost the entire day like this…looking at the fluffy snowflakes outside the window in between snoozes while keeping hydrated and *hopefully* sleeping off…

I Love a Rainy Night

*Hmmm, that hasn’t happened in a VERY LONG TIME. I wrote a post, published it and it disappeared! Grrrr.* Tis a cold rainy night, which in my world…


Hot The sun is too hot. It is too hazy to play. So I sit in my house. On this miserable day. I sit there with Sasha And…

Apartment Sweet Apartment

Day #2! I wake up exhausted. Somehow make it to work for a few hours. Finish up cleaning the old place, drop off the keys and go home…


PURGE. Monday, Monday…Out with the old. Wow. I purged like crazy when I moved from the three bedroom flat I shared with my ex to the two bedroom…

The Bad and The Ugly

This afternoon I received a surprise email from my landlord telling me he decided not to renew the lease. The news caught me. I found myself in a…

Home Sweet Santa Baby

“Welcome Home Jennifer!” Yeah. It’s been a while since I’ve been *home* I’ve been cocooned out in the burbs with the Best Friend Rachel, her hubby and adorable…

Damn relationships and no longer significant others.

Um, yeah today was a better day. Up and down. All around. Damn relationships and no longer significant others. The apartment is free and clear for me me…