A Blockbuster of a Blockbuster Sale!

I’ve been wanting to watch the movie Idiocracy with He Who Makes Me Smile for some time now. (If I had to sit through Zombieland, he can sit through one of my favorite dumb movies.)

So I wandered into my local Blockbuster to see if they had it for sale previously viewed and they did! The movie was priced $9.99 OR 4/$25. I like money. And I like a good deal so I kept looking…and found Blades of Glory! Now I have no choice. I need to find two more movies…

At the checkout the nice Blockbuster employee tells me my total and says “do you know what that means?” (Um, that I owe you $25+?) No! I get two pops, two candy boxes and popcorn FREE!

Being the obese woman with four movies in her hand…the first instinctive thing I said out loud to the nice cashier was…


“Oh, um, I don’t drink pop or eat microwave popcorn and don’t really need candy…but…”


“But I guess I’ll have…well two bottles of water, you have water right? And well…um…” (Looks at candy for 5 minutes and picks two boxes.)

Yep, sometimes looks can be deceiving…the giant lady with four movies isn’t interested in the junk food.

Now tell me that a bag of Tater Tots came with any purchase of $25 or more and I’d be jumping for joy.


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