A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back from Daily Om.
Ok, I’m game. #MeMyselfI2017 Join me?
Lesson 20: Wearing or Weary-ing?
Clothes that don’t fit feel good, or make your heart sing are a form of stuck energy (aka clutter). When you squirrel them away for that mythical day when you’ll love them again, or fit into them, or they’ll come back into fashion, you perpetuate the stuck pattern.
Interesting. I was actually thinking I needed to do a serious purge…it is time.
Lesson 19: Change It Up
Wearing something that feels good effectively raises your vibration, and, by extension, everyone else’s.
Lesson 18: Throw Off
“Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night.” -Napoleon Bonaparte
Lesson 17: A-Wear-ness Process
ask yourself if the item sparks joy…
Lesson 16: A-Wear
Is it possible to allow the squirmy-ness – of judgment, guilt, embarrassment, shame – to simply arise without doing anything to fix or manage it?
Interesting. Allow myself to feel (IT) without doing anything other than feel and let go.
Lesson 15: Three Rs of Clearing
Clearing raises awareness. Clearing releases attachments. Clearing reveals a spacious part that has been there all along.
Um, ok?
Lesson 14: Inviting Awareness
What is your peephole revealing? What changes are you aware of after this second week?
That I’m ok with where I am right now but worried about what others think.
Lesson 13: Feel It All
Feeling it all without judging it as good or bad, or taking it personally. What are you feeling right this second?
I’m feeling guilty. I have no desire to do anything but be with myself and my husband and this makes me feel like I’m a bad person, a bad friend. The guilt comes because I’m happy and ok with being alone and spending this time away…and I for some reason think this is wrong.
Lesson 12: Look Up
Look up from this screen for a moment and scan the room you’re in. What is one thing of beauty that calls your attention? —-the frames sepia photo of Weber Wonderland from beyond the pond. Feels refreshing, tranquil. At home. Peace. Happiness, a place I don’t want to leave.
Lesson 11: What is Awareness?
Awareness, as it relates to clearing in this course, is the ability to tune into and observe an experience with the five primary senses (smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight) and the sixth sense of inner knowing – in present time.
Lesson 10: Nothing to Do
What are you feeling right this second? Anxious, worried. Warm. Shallow breathing. Irritable. Sweaty.
Lesson 9: Clearing is Not What You Think
Clearing is “the space between the issue and the desired outcome.” I need to learn to be more comfortable and patient with the space in between. I’m great at getting excited about an issue and can see the final outcome, but keep getting caught in the negative murky middle along the way. Hard to keep along that clear, positive path.
Lesson 8: Awareness Changes Everything
Yes, yes it does. And when I am made aware and it is a negative awareness. I’m learning to block it out as much as possible. Hard to do, hard to do.
Lesson 7: Departing
What is beginning to bubble up as you contemplate a yearlong journey of clearing?
- I realize I have a lot of work to do. And I wish this damn cough I’ve had for a month now would clear already.
Have you been aware of any revealing dreams, shifts, synchronicities, or ah-has since you signed up for this course?
- My 1st dream of the New Year…two competing “Broadband For All” committees wanted me to be a part of their team. Both with same mission. Both totally unwilling to merge together and spent their time trying to convince me why the other was bad and they were better. Oh, to be my brain…
Lesson 6: Four Pathways of Clearing
Intention, Action, Non-Identification and Compassion. So what is one simple task you can adopt that incorporates the four pathways?
Breathing in and breathing out. Recognizing when and what and how I feel when doing simple tasks and dealing with different people and then taking a minute to release any negative attachments and letting go.
Lesson 5: New You
What does your “new you” look and feel like?
- I have to borrow from the author who wrote “deeply happy like a dog on a walk in the woods.” This made me smile and led me to my answer, the new me looks like a woman who can’t wait to take her puppies out on a long walk in the woods and considers this a PRIORITY instead of a special treat. Simple joys and happiness, first.
Lesson 4: What is Clutter?
Oh how I dislike video. Am I supposed to clear this negative thought from my head and just embrace video now? I usually ignore pages that don’t include text and force me to watch. Oy. I feel overwhelmed thinking this course is going to make me challenge this preference. Yet, how funny right? It’s only video…
- Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life are in my never-ending, multi-tasking brain.
Lesson 3: Shedding Layers by Shedding Light
My goals for this course.
- How I hope to feel as a result of clearing what no longer serves and supports me is peaceful.
- What I hope to let go of is—anything from the past that no longer serves my present or future.
- What I hope to attract is whatever is meant to be…
Lesson 2: Unwinding
“The starting point is realizing that letting go is not a dramatic moment we build to some time in the future. It is happening now in the present moment – it is not singular but ongoing.”-Judy Lief
Today I’m supposed to scroll through the titles to see what is ahead and check to see how I’m feeling about the course. Funny enough, I’m not impatient to get to all the lessons. I just wish the last two lessons had a bit more OOMPH and substance.
Lesson 1: Welcome!
Yep, here I am. Let’s do this. I will continue to share my journey on this post throughout the year…follow me!
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