Two things I love. Snow. And the number 27. For some reason today does not compute. My brain is broken.

My heart isn’t broken after all, LOOK AT THIS FACE! Oh Giant Snow Puppy.

Snow means last call in the garden. A few green onions, several celery plants and a riot of “fartichokes” aka sunchokes aka Jerusalem Artichokes.

The smell. Of winter squash slowly roasting. Alongside a ginormous pot of chicken stock. Fall. Heaven.

I’ll be blending the squash/eggplant into a puree for future soups. The Delicata rings won’t make it to storage…butter salt squash never tasted so good.

Chicken stock is on round two… yesterday I used the bones in the freezer and a few roaster legs. Strained that and made classic noodle soup for dinner. Added more water, veggies and a roaster chicken.

Last of the tomatoes. Sad. Roasted two pans of red/yellow and crackpot simmered down remaining green tomatoes, hot peppers and added avocado and green onion for an enchilada sauce.

I also managed to finish all of our sunflower seeds – saving to grow next year. And  rose hips and runner beans.

Aaaaaand I brought in the citronella plants (bushes?!) cut them way down to nothing and am trying, once again, to propagate stems for new plants. DID NOT WORK last year, but I’ll try again.

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