Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Just look up every once in a while, the world can have beautiful moments. Even if fleeting…
Yesterday while at work I had two touching moments. (MUCH BETTER than the prior day where I sat next to a family waiting for Mercy Flight to take their loved one to Buffalo, those are the hardest days for an empath.)
- There was a little toddler running around (joyfully) in the ER waiting to be seen on a VERYBUSYDAY (aren’t they all though?) I heard her ask the registration person for a pencil and paper – so when she came around my corner I ended up giving her a bunch of silly notepads I found in the desk and a whole bunch of MASK smile stickers I bought a year ago to hand out to kiddos, back in the days when people were wearing masks.) She came back over to me about 20 minutes later, handed me the plastic cup she decorated with the stickers and said “for you. my friend.” Heart. Melt.
- A young woman came in and was waiting the ER to be seen on a VERYBUSYDAY (aren’t they all though?) and asked where the vending machines were. She came back dejected, because they don’t take cards. I NEVER HAVE CASH but I was drawn to her — -and just HAPPENED to have a wee but of cash in my wallet, so I wrapped two dollars in a piece of paper and handed it to her and walked away. MAYBE two hours later — we were chatting and she was wondering if she should leave and try to go to Urgent Care instead, but she was trying to call and could not get past the ROBOROBOT. We chatted for at least 10 minutes and I said to her “maybe just wait 15 more minutes until 6pm.” And no joke, not even 2 minutes later – the ER doctor came around the corner to bring her back. Had we not been chatting, she would have left. I didn’t get to see her before I left – so I’m praying that she had a successful outcome.
When I go to work on the weekends, HWMMS likes to drop me off and pick me up. Which I think is sort of adorable. And whenever I come home from work – he always (well, almost always) greets me in the garage at the door with the barking doggos. Find yourself a partner who does silly little things that shows they care. 100% worth it.
This morning before work – I made sure to make time in the dirt because DIRT makes me happy. I found myself on the porch putting my propagated jade plants in wee pots (and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it was a chilly one!)
This photo is from last month. I put these Jade leaves out on the platter – months and months ago and was being very careful to keep them wet to grow – and under the lights. A true lesson in PATIENCE but my has it paid off!
LOOK HOW CUTE! I have probably 3 dozen more to put in wee pots. Fingers crossed most of them will take root and grow quite a bit in time for me to sell at the Foundry Holiday Market. I do plan on decorating the pots too. I have to thank my bestie Erin for the succulent encouragement. She has become a master and basically shared her secrets.
The only other successful propagation so far – the Crown of Thorns. Which reminds me I should try to cut her back again this year and grow more offspring!
I also found my way to the culinary herb garden and pulled up the sage and rosemary and put in pots on the porch (for now, they will end up inside…) And made it about 1/4 of the way through the chive patch again – pulling up clumps of roots to place all around Weber Wonderland. I also started collecting the zinnia, marigold and sunflower heads to dry and save seeds.
The other plant I’m currently attempting to propagate is the perpetual spinach. (Malabar Spinach) I bought a packet of Red and one Green and only had success with a few seeds. HOWEVER the few that survived were prolific and so pretty. I placed them in two hanging pots off each side of the porch and they vined and vined and vined and thrived. As the days have been getting colder, the vines have been going to flower and seed.
I took a bunch of the vines and dipped them in root hormone powder and set up a few pots. And separated the rest of the well established rooted plants into individual planters. Oh and of course harvested all the leaves – which Mimi approved of whole-heartedly.
And now time for an unpopular opinion – I’m not a fan of Rae Dunn & Rae Dunn/somanyknockoffs. I’ve been playing in Pinterest and Etsy search ing crafty things to do for the Holiday Market and there are SO MANY OF THESE KNOCKOFFS everywhere. I mean I suppose I could write JADE on the little pots – and people will love it – but I think I’d rather do some sort of colorful collage. I don’t remember feeling this way when her stuff first came out – so it’s likely because there are just so very many knockoffs out there now…anyhow….moving on…
While at work I watched the second half of the BILLS vs. RAVENS game. Interception in the Ravens End Zone. YES PLEASE THANK YOU JORDAN POYER. I’m still in this dream like world wondering how my beloved Buffalo Bills are playing competitive against verygoodteams. It’s surreal – and long overdue.
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