I have a list of COULD-DO but somehow I ended up reporting and playing with every single one of my houseplants. Surprise!
It started with the Christmas Cactus – I needed to propagate the few sections that fell off when repotting. From there I saw all the succulents with several of them no longer succulent – so – I removed all the dead ones and reorganized the others into new collections. From there I already had dirt everywhere so why not. Most of the plants were in good condition, a few were waterlogged. Some needed more space, some needed less space. But every single one was given attention.
67 plants now. The number keeps going down because – some plants die and I combined many of the single small ones into a larger fuller pot. All the plants from the foyer are now in the dining room because THE GINORMOUS CHRISTMAS TREE will soon be up! And most of the porch plants are now inside and ready to hang out in the poolroom for hibernation.
And that is what I did ALL DAY MONDAY.
I also did something uncharacteristically Jenny last night – I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole. I’m NOT a video person. So this is rare. But as I was getting ready for bed HWMMS said something that reminded me of the amazing awesomeness that is the movie Blades of Glory.
FLASH – ah ah ahhhhhhh. (Similar to Day Man, ah ah ahhhhhh.)
So I googled this…
“They put the bone in zamboni.”
And it all went downhill from there.
And it ended up with MARVEL MEN WHO CAN SING IN REAL LIFE. Men. Who. Can. Sing.
- Lip Sync Battle – Tom Holland (Seeing this video made me fall in love with him…I can’t not watch it at least 5 times in a row.)
- Comfortably Numb (featuring Benedict Cumberbatch)
- Driven to Tears – Robert Downey Jr Sings With Sting
- Chris Pratt & Chris Stapleton Sing “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life”
- Bradley Cooper – Shallow (from A Star Is Born (Lady Gaga is GORGEOUS in her natural self – my goodness…)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…a very good rabbit hole indeed.
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