I’m in this weird place of dread. I have lots of love for snow and the holiday and all the things that make me smile that go along with the season…with a huge underlying dread of why does matter everything is fucked lurking to be released.
Been on the verge of tears all day yesterday. And so far today. I can’t ignore what’s happening in the world but for preservation I can’t actively be too aware either. This is and has been the last few years THEBIGGESTCHALLENGEFORME.
I honestly just hate being around the general public. At work a person upon entering and seeing the screening machine says “This? THE PANDEMIC IS OVER.” (HEAVY SIGH) It took a whole lot of tongue-biting, but I didn’t say a word.
I’m really struggling today.
Current status – home from work. In basement surrounded by pillows and blankies and my laptop and the sounds of two brindles munching away on ginormous bones. And HWMMS talking out loud about something he read on the internet. Ah, peace.
BIG SNOWSTORM coming through, but not for Springville – Meh. Minor. Everyone else, stay safe! And yes, this too makes me sad – I love snow.
HOWEVER (comma) apparently we will get some snow tonight before everyone else does.
Electric flickered several times here outside of Springville. Currently off and generator kicked in. And back on again. And off. Oh wait, back on. Off. On. Off. Generator back on. On. Off. On. Off. Generator.
The flickering has Giant Puppy on edge. She just went upstairs and brought her (full) food dish to the basement where we are hanging and started eating. Oh giant puppy. Also in the time I typed this the power flickered again.
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