Over the last few days the universe has reminded me that I love to blog. Blog blog. Not just the quickly dump and repurpose posts from Insta or Twitter but the ongoingramblingstreamofconsciousnessallthingsjenny musings in my heart and head. Sadly (at least for me) I’ve only been doing this through video chatting with a few friends through the Marco Polo app instead of even (gasp) journaling.
While listening to my dearest soul sister Denise chat away today, I was smiling big thinking HER BRAIN DOES WHAT MINE DOES AND I LOVE HER. Just rambling along speaking about whatever comes up in her head. I love this so much. (I miss doing this on my blog…) DINGDINGDING!
Also a few peeps mentioned starting blogging again – like Red (from the good ol days who has been a friend IRL now forever) and the author from People I’d Like to Punch in the Throat who started up blogging again recently AND my dear friend Talk With Colleen just sent me a note via snail mail – reminding me our friendship started through – blogging & social media. WHICH IS WHERE I HAVE MADE SO MANY LIFELONG FRIENDSHIPS.
It’s been a struggle during these UNPRECEDENTED WTAF times to put the everyday mundane out there in the world. BUT I found my old-school blogging mojo back in the beginning days of the pandemic – the All Things COVID diaries– and it was actually very cathartic. I hope to get back into that swing, starting now.
I woke up late this morning because – well, because everything was just sort of achy. The bad part — the sun was shining and all I want to do is play in the garden. I think it’s rained every day for the last two weeks – I have soooooooooooo much Fall Garden Clean Up On The To-Do List. I haven’t harvested the summer squash/zucchini in over a week so you know what THAT MEANS right? – A GIANT VEGGIE AWAITS!
Time on the porch instead. With plants. (Trying to perpetuate/propagate the perpetual spinach – ha!) And Harley. On National Coffee Day (which um, isn’t that everyday?) Harley Boo my needy doggo didn’t even want me drinking my coffee today! “Mama, rest.”
No rest today – today is day 2 of a 9 day stretch before the next day off. (The other PT person left so I basically picked up all her shifts.)
Today, I chose to wear a pair of fun knee socks to go with my dress. When I got in the car, I realized the stripes were not blue but purple. OOPS? Except no one who knows me thought twice of it because, I’m eclectic like that. Which brings me to another point, my friend Denise mentioned today about those “do not wear this” articles that float around the interwebz. Phooey. Wear what you want to wear, who cares how old you are. Life is short, do what freaking makes you smile for one darn moment in this tire fire of a world we live in.
I fell down a rabbit hole into one of those articles last night “4 Things That Designers Hate And Want You To Never Do Again In Your Kitchen” (or some similar title…) and I thought twice about clicking but then I did. The first one ALL WHITE IS BAD. Another one BRIGHT COLORED APPLIANCES ARE BAD. Um. Okay. How about DO WHAT YOU LOVE?
I’m 48 years old. I like wearing patterned knee socks with my dresses. Sometimes they match sometimes they don’t. Don’t like it? Don’t do it yourself. Easy peasy.
Can someone tell me why I didn’t eat anything before coming to work? I took the time to shovel my meds into my pocket to bring with me – because I need to have something to eat with one of them or – ick. But I didn’t bring any food? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN?
Clearly, my brain knew what it was doing – it wanted me to eat takeout food. Which I promptly ordered within 30 minutes and then I waited an hour which is the longest hour when hungry and then inhaled the order in 10 minutes. I thought about munching on the calzone I ordered for HWMMS but I didn’t. The moment has finally passed. But man, why? WHY DO I WANT TO EAT ALL THE THINGS? Insatiable. It’s not a good thing.
I WANT TO COOK ALL THE CALZONES. Lsat night, I was thinking about putting this on the to-do list for the next few days and when I asked HWMMS what he wanted for dinner tonight his answer – Calzone. Can’t make that up – (and this isn’t a regular in the rotation, I mean once or twice a year MAYBE.)
I WANT A COFFEE CRISP CANDY BAR. My friends just bought a camper trailer from Canada – the seller left a box of Coffee Crisp bars in the fridge for them. I love this. I do not love my sweet tooth.
Speaking of Coffee Crisp – my ears are crackly, crunchy today. WHY? No idea, but crinklecracklecrackle they go – mostly the one on the right – which I believe is causing my vertigo.
I’m so out of any hipster loop. What on earth is Cactus Plant Flea Market and why is this a partnership with McDonalds for adult Happy Meals and why do they toys have four eyes? I feel like I’m in a fever dream?
Aren’t ya glad I decided to blog today? (Don’t answer that…)
One last thing – this shift FLEW by today – perhaps blogging made it so? — For those who don’t know, I’m a screener at our local hospital, so yes, I can blog while at work. Think study hall monitor but making sure everyone has a mask on and checks in before they go their own way.
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Denise Lucas Shappeee
Glad you’re blogging!! I feel a tiny bit proud that I sort of got you going!!
Personally, I love the socks with the dress!
I’m cooking ALL THE THINGS in preparation for Ian visiting tomorrow. Bring it Ian, I’m covered! 💜💜
I might need help making them 😉
All the calzones!