- Why is WNY seems insane over…WINTER. We haven’t had any significant snow yet. Springville isn’t even in the storm trajectory and schools are closed?
- I’m increasingly saddened by the slow stuck in the mud “leadership” from the top. Where are the tests? Where are the masks? Yeah we’re frustrated. Where are the hard but sound recommendations from the CDC?
- Wake up when the Justice Department serves justice.
- I want to scream when seeing stadium talk fill the news when we just entered year 3 of a pandemic and are looking back at a year since 1/6. Priorities. I love my Buffalo Bills but… I guess at least we can get drive thru alcohol to feed the pain.
- I’m uber agitated with my ginormous boobs today. Methinks the new bra has brought them back to heights unknown since the before times and yowza.
- The sound of my super sweet saccharine public facing customer service voice is making me want to vomit today.
- I’ve been wearing the N95 masks for a while now and it is still unbelievable how naked I feel when just wearing a blue surgical one.
- I loathe every single unvaccinated person taking up healthcare resources for others who are vaccinated and need services. I know this makes me a bad person and I don’t care one bit. This is heartbreaking – and it is only getting worse.
- ER is full *(as usual) and a black crow just walked across the parking lot in front of the entrance doors. Ominous…
- Whenever I see Theranos I read Thanos and assume half the population has disappeared into dust – oh wait…
- Can’t we just dig giant holes and hibernate a few months? Thanks no thanks evolution.
- I had low expectations for Black Widow. Surprised at how much I enjoyed it! LOVED Yelena. Looking forward to watching her in Hawkeye.
- All coronavirus content should be free from a paywall. FULL STOP.
- Extreme Extroverted Jenny – PEOPLE ENERGIZE ME – TALK TO ALL THE PEOPLE. Extreme Empath Jenny – people exhaust me. hide from all the people.
- I’m so glad long lasting chews exist for my doggos to keep occupied for 5 – 7 minutes.
- Did a factory reset on my phone *which actually gave the touchscreen life again, whaaaa?* but also lost half my contacts. As in my boss, my husband, my mom and a few close friends I text daily. Ah, 2022.
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