I got out of bed and made coffee and am getting ready to play with plants while listening to an audiobook – all before I head into work this afternoon and WHAT? Where did this person come from? I’ll take it! (I know I’ll be too tired to do anything when I get home…)

AND I did not listen to my body – BAD JEN. I got on computer briefly while grabbing coffee and setting up audiobook and within 15 minutes was ASLEEP ON THE COUCH for 90 minutes. Just in time to get up and make lunch before work.

I’ve been somewhat breathless the last few days. Hence the low score on my trusty Pulse Oximeter. Before March 2020 I never really paid attention to my number – but after being sick – with Covid(notCovid?) and needing to use a nebulizer I track it from time to time. When I am in the FALL ASLEEP RIGHT NOW WHILE SITTING ON THE COUCH mode – it ususally correlates to a lower reading. 92 is considered low. But my “normal” seems to be 95-96 not 99-100 so unless I’m under 90 – which hasn’t really happened – I just deal with it. I mean what else can I do?

Nebulizer – “oxygen breathing thingy” helps tremendously – normal rescue inhaler, meh not so much. Breathing exercises like slowing down my breath and being consicous of counting in through my nose and out slower through mouth also helps.

Fatigue is exhausting. Not having proper levels of oxygen running through blood is exhausting.

But seriously – never had these issues before March 2020. And here I am 2 years later — Long Covid?

Who knows, all I know is zzzz…


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