So. This happened. ANNIE! In what alternate universe do I get a chance to sort of sing and pretend dance on stage alongside my Husband (HWMMS)? THIS ONE! Life is goofy and good. And wild and wacky. Just say YES and figure out how to do it later.

Annie! Cast Photo Rehearsal Night One!

ANNIE! Rehearsal night one of…many more before opening night! I’m SUPER DUPER excited to be a part of it. And on stage in the same scene as HWMMS when he plays Bert Healy. (I get to be one of the background Boylan sisters.)

Come see us! Bring friends! Bring family! Consider bringing foes?

May 17, 18, 19, 25, 26 at 7:30pm and May 20 & 27 at 2pm

$15 General / $12 Student / $10 Groups

Click here to buy tickets!

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