Day #2!

I wake up exhausted. Somehow make it to work for a few hours. Finish up cleaning the old place, drop off the keys and go home to start the endless unpacking.

Walking into the doorway I found my first piece of mail at the new place. YAY! My shower curtain!

I move a lot it seems, for one reason or another. Don’t ask. One tradition I have picked up along the way is purchasing a new shower curtain for each new apartment. Cheap easy way to make something new. I saw this one on CB2 last week while Internet Window Shopping and had no choice but to purchase. Pretty unique and only $9.99!

Hurrah! Something new!

And now on to the old…

Boxes boxes everywhere.

In order to clear some space I decided to take a few loads of the attic boxes, otherwise known as Christmas Penguins and Winter Clothes up into storage. Little did it occur to me that this meant walking outside my front door to the back door and up three flights of stairs. Eegads! About 6 trips was all I could muster. Who needs a stairmaster?

I’m calling myself a creative storage guru because well, the new place is small. COZY they call it on Craigslist. But cozy means I have to figure out where I’m going to put everything, even after the purge.

And I do mean everything.

In the meantime, I let Sasha Kitten explore the outdoors which made him very, very happy. (And when I got back from burgers with a friend Sasha Kitten was already sitting on the right steps to be let back in! So cute!)

And I tried to ease the fears of scardy Simba Cat who was hiding under the blankets which is where I left him before leaving for work.

He was much better while Mama was home though. Love those silly cats.

With every passing hour I became more…let’s say unenthusiastic over the adorableness of the place and frustrated when finding ANOTHER box of kitchen items? Really? I started to slow down significantly and started wish list dreaming of all the things I need to make this space work…and then called it a night and went out for burgers instead.

Day #2 complete. Perhaps about 1/4th of the way through the boxes.

THIS MORNING? THIS MORNING comes along, I get up out of bed after a sleepless sleep and find that I have a GIGANTIC HUGE PRESSURE BLISTER on the bottom of my right heel. My legs are already feeling like stiff boards from the up and down and now my heel is a mess. Good times.

I hear on the radio about rain, look for my umbrella and can’t find it. I look for bus money? And find $1.50 (bus fare is $1.75.) Oh what a beautiful morning!

I walk across the street. I mean waddle…to the convenient store, take out cash from the ATM and buy a coffee. Of course this makes me miss the bus by 2 minutes. I wait 15-20 minutes for the next bus. No rain!

No rain until I get off at my stop and have to walk the next two blocks, of course!


No rest for the wicked.

I think I’m skipping out on the unpacking tonight. There’s a hockey game on I need to drink in front of going on…


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