April Fools Ice Cream

Aldrich Beef & Ice Cream Parlor
10136 Route 60 Fredonia, NY 14063

Aldrich’s Beef & Ice Cream Parlor every year since 1984 has created special ice cream flavor for April Fool’s Day. I got off the phone with Mr. Scott Aldrich a few minutes ago and found out the flavor for 2006 is POPCORN! (Not Creamed Corn which they had one year…)

When you walk inside the *parlor* you can find a commemorative sign with ALL the past flavors listed on the wall!

I *heart* Aldrich’s. Feels like home, cause it is home! My daddy worked for Mr. Aldrich waaaaaaay back in the day when I was a wee little one. Small town goodness.

Upon entering the *parlor* you know you are on a dairy farm. The ice cream stares you down two seconds before a waitress comes up to serve you. One can sit at the counter. OR in a fantastically swarmy vintage plastic red puffy booth! Make SURE when you go, you are facing the ice cream flavor wall…this way you can chance your mind several times between the free *all you can drink* chocolate milk refills! And on your way out…stop in at the gift shop (where I always ALWAYS begged my mom to buy me a toy!) And a fresh bottle of milk! Oooooh! I can’t WAIT to go tomorrow!!!! I hope they still have some popcorn ice cream left after I get there! My two true loves are both virgins of the dairy. (First love being the digital camera. Second being Mark.) Shall be a dandy ol’ time!

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