Author: allthingsjenniferPage 2 of 7

Protected: I HATE surprises

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

I love football.

And I love my Buffalo Bills. Despite, well…you know. And going to LIVE games warms my heart. Even on cold, winter days that turn into nights…Food, Football and…

Can I jump off a bridge?

Can I jump off a bridge? Instead of thinking about tomorrow? Ugh. Ok, I don’t REALLY want to jump of a bridge. But I sure am feeling fragile…


So this weekend I was lonely. And then I was grumpy. So when M called and asked if I still wanted to see him that night I told…


Today is a Ron Hawkins Crackstatic day. Otherwise known as a “Maybe I should join the Peace Corps, day.” “Maybe, I am not as compassionate as I think,…

VERDICT: Not Guilty

VERDICT: Not Guilty 1. I needed to do a MUCH better job wrapping up the facts during my closing. A little less talking generally and a little more…


BAD CHRISTMAS SONGS The funny thing is, really. I do love Christmas music, America, Jesus and helping the poor/less fortunate. But these songs make me cringe. CRINGE! 1….

2005 Book List

Top 10: 1. The Fountainhead Ayn Rand “If I found a job, a project, an idea or a person I wanted- I’d have to depend on the whole…

I *heart* my brother (and Old Navy)

I *heart* my brother (and Old Navy). My most precious niece Baby A had a VERY special outfit on for Thanksgiving. I am sooooo NOT kidding. She was…

To Be or Not To Be

In my special ed class hearing, I had a case recently where I represented the school district (I was told that apparently I fall towards the *social worky…


Litigator? One of my instructors, a litigation attorney herself… for my Special Ed class said to me tonight “And you don’t want to be a litigator! You have…


I cannot get enough HYDRATION and SLEEP to satisfy me the last few weeks. Seriously. I am drinking much more water than usual. A chapstick is permanently found…

Phone call from above?

Phone call from above? I just answered the phone and the person on the other end said. “Jen?” (in that *you know who I am* voice…) So I…

The World and Other Places

The World and Other Places by Jeanette Winterson “All of one’s life is a struggle towards that; the narrow path between freedom and belonging. I have sometimes sacrificed…

A Chucklehead

WHO KNOWS HIS HOCKEY! Mr. Brisket for Chucklehead is the newest addition to the ALL CAPS club over there on my blogroll, meaning, I met him in person….

Virginia vs. Law School

Well, I was GOING to visit my friend Josie in Virginia Beach this weekend. Of course, that was before. Well, I looked at my calendar. I have to…

If I had a Delorian that I turned into a time machine

I would go back in time to the birth of *Murphy* you know that fella who coined *Murphy’s Law* and I would beat him to a pulp make…

What I Want in a Relationship

What I Want in a Relationship I want someone who loves me. All of me for who I am and who I want to be. Someone who can…

Miserable piece of day

I was going to write a fun ditty about how I need to buy a new windbreaker cause I still wear the one I had in college with…


When things are good….things are really good. I mean I have a great job at the PERFECT Non Profit Agency in Buffalo. Could not ask for more. Law…

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I finished “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” last night. And cried like a little baby. Book #52! I loved this book. I found myself entranced with his words….

Can I get a witness?

I am not sure what the heck song this title is from, but that line is going through my head! Anyhow. I need a male. A local male…

Kissing in Manhattan

Kissing in Manhattan A delicious collection of intertwining short stories. Quick read! (I allow myself to read for fun during the commute to work-school-home.) Some of my favourite…

Dear Law School Vending Man

Greetings Law School Vending Man, Last week on hump day, I approached the vending machine in the law school and found that both rows of Mountain Dew were…

Answering the Phone

That part of my job is to answer the phone when it rings. And everytime it rings I WANT TO SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!! The same holds…

Eye Phobia Meets Law School

So…the case I have to do for Trial Technique has to do with assault of a hockey player by another player during a game. My partner and I…

Dating Question

Hmmmm. Dating Question? BILLS opening game? or (Part 2 of) hot date? BTW-I already have my answer… BUT perhaps I can twist his arm after brunch and get…