Be kind to each other.

I post this with trepidation, I’m NOT looking for comments or encouragement.

1. I feel better when I release these thoughts from inside and into the world

2. To remind others that you never know what someone is feeling, thinking, going through…happy, busy Jenny yes, but also…well…this…

This past year has been dark. I’m finding it very, very hard to care—look for a reason for it all, life, the universe, everything. I always believed my “purpose” on this earth was to serve. But serve what? Why? Does it matter? Most days I doubt, but I pretend (I’m SO GOOD AT PRETENDING!) and I push through. It’s hell that my default brain is so poor in health. A day to day existence thinking if tomorrow didn’t happen—that would be just fine, is pure drudgery. Yet, here I am. The moments of sparkle are always trapped in the undercurrent of #depression.

Be kind to each other.

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