Bedroom Feng Shui. When I moved out to the country with HWMMS, we tried to accommodate my *stuff* by adding more shelves for *stuff* in the bedroom. Considering that meant we added a huge dresser, two bookshelves and a lingerie chest you can imagine our current bedroom felt, crowded. Uneven. Off.

I’m a much messier person than HWMMS so this arrangement allowed me to throw my clothes on my side of the bed, on top of his dresser, in the corner basically anywhere I wanted. And this drives him INSANE.

A few months back when we started getting rid of old  furniture we downsized one of the bookshelves in the bedroom and had boxes of books stacked in the corner. It was time to do something about these boxes, or so we decided around 3am last night. Instead of sleeping…I found myself researching Feng Shui bedroom placement. Oh my what a task!

Today—full speed ahead.

1. We moved out the tall bookshelf and I boxed up all the *stuff* that was sitting on it…penguins, books, papers, wedding stuff, picture frames to hang etc.

2. We moved the short bookshelf, which I use for shoes…into my closet.

3. We took off the sliding doors on the closet and hung a lovely, huge, purple tapestry (which just so happens to have the tree of life on it.) Wink. Wink.

4. We took the round mirror off the dresser HWMMS uses (which I plan on repurposing as a tabletop in another life) and ended up putting his dresser in the closet.

5. We moved the HUGE king sized bed away from the center of the room under the windows, to the far left wall. Which is apparently the commanding position according to Feng Shui. AND cleaned out all the clutter underneath, leaving the space free and clear! Oh and moved the sliding doors behind the bed to act as the headboard. Cause headboards are good, so they say. We will end up getting a real one, sometime.

6. We moved the one non-matching nightstand into the living room and put the one in the living room into the bedroom. Now we have symmetry!

7. We took down the large mirror in the corner of the room as well as the tall full length mirror behind the door. (Mirrors don’t create good energy apparently and we had 3!)

8. The only additional pieces of furniture beside the bed are my large dresser and lingerie chest.

9. All clutter items have been put away. Except for two lovely large vineyard scented candles on the dresser by the jewelry box. And our awesome penguin humidifier.

10. All in all we got rid of two bags of trash, two bags of things to give away and moved about 8 boxes of books and stuff into the basement. Eventually, we hope to have the proper space for all those books but right now, that’s where they will stay.

The only thing we did not accomplish according to the Feng Shui rules would be removing the ceiling fan in the center of the room. According to what I read this is VERY BAD and CHOPS UP ALL YOUR CHI ENERGY, or something like that. Hmmm…I wonder if this is true if we leave the fan off?

Not that I completely agree with the rules of course, but our bedroom is much more clutter free and relaxing. I was thinking we would get a new comforter set and bed when we move, but maybe, maybe since we have no idea when the move will take place, especially after our let down last week…we can splurge and live in the now. I have difficultly living in the now. But I think shopping for a new comforter might be a small step I can live with.

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