Blog, I Just Can’t Quit You!

Is it Time to Quit Blogging?

All Things Blasphemy! I’m at 8 years and going strong!

I stumbled upon this post today and I realized I’m actually back on the OTHER side of this curve, I want to start blogging MORE and being MORE ENGAGED and find MORE READERS.

I definitely get sucked into the simple post. The link here or there, the mention on Facebook or Twitter. What I NEED to do is make my landing page and then reach out on the other platforms instead of the other way around.

Engage. I must engage more with other blogs. Which also means I need to FIND new blogs to get excited about and read. My list has dwindled significantly over the years (I mean personal blogs…)

Any suggestions?

Are you out there a reader of and lurking with your own blog? Say hello! I love to find new blogs to follow!

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