Bye Bye Ugly Stained Stair Carpet Runner!

Our new house is FILLED with carpet. White and off white carpet. The former owners of the house also had four children…with those lovely white carpets. I cannot WAIT to get rid of ALL THE CARPET but it is going to take a while, especially since there’s only floor boards underneath not lovely old hardwood like old farmhouses might have. Boo.

Enter a lazy Saturday afternoon. I decide to finally put up those stinkin’ adorable Martha Stewart Mice I bought for the stairs…when HWMMS comes in the room and tells me they look dumb against the carpet and…

BAM! Spontaneous project begins NOW!

20 minutes later…

HWMMS did the heavy lifting and I spent about 2 hours removing one million carpet staples. HWMMS came back and got the impossible ones out and I washed the stairs with Murphy’s Oil Soap and they look…

SO PRETTY! Eventually we will have to do some sanding and staining but for now they are lovely.

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