Can I Get a Do Over? I woke up early today cursing the phlegm monster that exploded into my body during one of the most humid miserable weeks of the summer. Ow. Took vitamin C, chugged water, two ibuprofen and went back to bed.

Woke up again, checked social media and found out my head cold pain was replaced by my hatred of Tom Brady.

Unable to go back to sleep I went out to the garden to water…ONLY TO FIND that out of our approximately 8 dozen tomato plants, 6 dozen of the vines are dead with wilt rot. I’ve been watching and hoping they were super thirsty. WRONG.

That kind of day folks, that kind of day. So now, I get to take all the 2nd round of green tomatoes off the plants and hope some ripen? (1st round were devoured by deer a few weeks ago.)

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