Category: DreamsPage 1 of 2

Why Are The Dogs Barking? New Moon?

Oh maybe ALL THE DEER. Hahahaha. My oh my oh my my dreams have been intense.  Not ready to put them out “there” yet but I did get…

All Things 10/9/2022

SUNDAY IS GAME DAY! Bring on the Steelers! I’m wearing my #78 jersey along with a nice cozy jacket I picked up at the Ladies of Charity Auction…

All Things 10/8/2022

Ah, woke up this morning from a dream that I was forced to assist with a mass murder spree. Good morning! I blame the whole chatter about ARMAGEDDON…


Last night I had a dream that I was bleeding – dripping blood everywhere. I was at the ER wandering for hours and no one would see me….


Catch-2020 We have to shutdown to control the spread. We can’t shutdown without supporting businesses and workers. THERE IS NO HELP COMING FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNTIL JANUARY…



I’m Dreaming of Dead Family Members

I’m Dreaming of Dead Family Members


Last night I had the ultimate nightmare. Pretty much all of my friends & family from all walks of life (past & present) and everyone I see socially…

Day #80 – Memorial Day & Meat

I woke up thinking about all the incredibly brave souls who died serving our country and wonder what they would be thinking right now about what is happening…

Bad Dreams

The last two nights I had stress nightmares. Tuesday night, I was waitressing at Ruby Tuesday and had two 8 tops sit at the same time. I gave…

Bannon Nightmare

I woke up early this morning, read through Twitter…fell back asleep and had a nightmare that Steve Bannon was sitting at my desk chair at a meeting, held…

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Ay! There’s the rub! When I took this photo yesterday evening at practice, this quote was running through my head. “To sleep, perchance to dream…” However, I didn’t…

Just Fall Asleep…

Dream last night. World was coming to end by massive flooding. High on a rooftop, somewhere, with…people? I was trying to comfort everyone around me by telling them…

Rhino Dream

1. Woke up with headache. I’ll take it, at least I’m not crying.?? 2. Had a dream that the noise I heard rustling around in the woods down…

Dreaming of Sasha Kitten

The other night I had a dream about my Sasha Kitten. But first… I adopted Sasha Kitten along with Simba Cat way back in 2001. They were my…

Hundred Year War? Really?

I suppose it a hazard of being Mrs. Charles Weber and having an office in the Lucy Bensley Center (the Genology Library for the Historical Society in town)…

Potato Snake Dreams?

Potato Snake Dreams? Is that what that was? WHAT THE HELL BRAIN! I’m in the garden. I’m digging up potatoes. As I dig and dig and dig and…

Disjointed Dreams

Disjointed Dreams. Hm. I know one is supposed to write down their dreams as soon as waking so it makes the most sense and you remember the most,…

Giant Flying Gourd Dream

I’ve not been myself this past two weeks, some sort of funky funk…the onset of the Big D I hate so much. Maybe there’s some hidden message in…

Prepper Spy Group

I need to stop watching ARCHER before bed…and constantly checking my Fitbit steps. I had a dream last night that I was back in college with my roommates…

Dragonfly Tattoo

I had dream last night that I got one of these little dragonfly tattoos… on the back of my neck… I’ve never been a fan of tattoos, but…

Omnious Rabbit Dream

Omnious Rabbit Dream. Yikes. So last night I was up until the wee hours of the morning pondering all things…career related. I went to bed with a heavy…

Bunny Rabbits with Grow Lights

Bunny Rabbits with Grow Lights? Yeah, my reoccurring revolving dream about feeding the rabbits in the barn took a crazy turn last night. All the same process, I…


Well, if dreams at night mean anything this move means I’m all grown up. Last night pretty much all of the Smith and Baker family visited me at…

Dreaming of Sweaters?

Dreaming of Sweaters? Um… I had a dream last night that I walked into Gma Smith’s bedroom and found stacks of brand new striped pullover sweaters on top…

Rabbit Dream Redux

Rabbit Dream Redux. I’ve had this dream over and over and over in my life. And as life went on I had variations of this dream several times,…

Dreaming of…rabbits?

I had a variation of my recurring dream last night. I’m at my childhood home. I wake up realizing, as usual…that our rabbits need to be fed. Aside:…