Category: FamilyPage 3 of 5

All Things Family

Family is not an important thing. It’s everything. -Michael J. Fox
All Things Mom. Dad. Grandparents. Aunts & Uncles. Cousins. Nieces & Nephews. Husband. Love them. Not Always Love Them (sometimes.) Either way, they’re always there. Of course they might also drive you crazy from time to time but isn’t that what it’s all about? Under this category you will find mentions from my childhood as well as In-Laws of HWMMS and the home we are creating together at Weber Wonderland, which may or may not include our beloved kitty cats and doggies.


Gratitude: I’m grateful for—my penguin girls. This photo above was the first image that came to my mind when I thought about what I wanted to write about…

Game of LIFE

I know, I know I’m old and nostalgic and everything was better back in the day. But honestly friends, the GAME OF LIFE back in our day? SIGNIFICANTLY…

My Little Sis is no longer a Miss!

My Little Sis is no longer a Miss! Congratulations dearest Nessy and welcome to the family Joe! Wedding dancing with my niece. πŸ™‚


Thankful. Friendsgiving. Family Thanksgiving. One of the first things I imagined when seeing Weber Wonderland for the first time was the GREAT BIG SPACE AVAILABLE in the Dining…

Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts…If someone would have told me 20-30 years ago that I would turn 40 years old and not have children I NEVER would have believed it. Ever….


Of the pool variety. Save Save

Midnight Walmart Junk Food Run

Because when your favorite teens finish swimming for the night and want junk food, you cater to their every need. And any chance to go to Walmart at…


Political Robocalls

My 9 year old niece had a great one-sided conversation with robo Bill Clinton today. “Why hello Mr. Clinton. Yes, I have heard about that. And yes, you…

8 Kids!

One Buffalo!

One Buffalo! Hurrah! One Buffalo Bills game with Lil Brother against the Patriots that we…lost. One Buffalo Sabres game the next day with Karen against the Ducks that…


I love them so. Cousins. And I think we look like sisters here, right? The game noodleball is significantly harder than it first appears…

NYC w/ the Smiths

My mutton steak from Keens Steakhouse is trying to hug me. Also. Holy. Meatgasm. Not sure I’ve ever had better… Next step – our first Broadway Musical. Hedwig…

Smith Cousin Christmas!

I was so silly excited to give these presents! #78 baby!!!

The Hair

I have childhood memories of horror when I remember my mother asking me to “cut the hair” on the mole on her face. Cut the hair? Um, no…

One Year: Mama Weber

With love, to Mama Weber. β€œWhen someone you love dies, and you’re not expecting it, you don’t lose her all at once; you lose her in pieces over…

Strawberry Picking!

Strawberry Picking! I know tis hard to believe but I actually FORGOT to bring my camera when we went strawberry picking the other weekend! And my camera phone…

Family Tradition

Family Tradition. We just came back from a Christmas party with He Who Makes Me Smile’s cousins from his dad’s side of the family. First of all I…


My brother called me tonight. Instantly I knew something was up, we simply don’t call each other on the phone, ever. “K/J’s son committed suicide this afternoon…” Suicide?…

Easter Dinner

Easter Dinner. Garden Salad, Gma Baker Homemade Bread w/ Butter Lamb, Green Apple Lambic, Ham with Pineapple, Stuffing, Pepe Salad, Glazed Peas and Pearl Onions, Twice Baked Potatoes…

Smith Time

Smith Time. My goodness I have been in a missing my niece Little A mood lately. Lucky for me, I had a little Smith Time to remedy that…

Freedom! (almost mine…)

I discovered the 16oz of FREEDOM tumbler during the Smith Family Jamboree this Summer. And I ended the Summer camping with the Smowens Family… with the 16 oz….

Thanksgiving Montage

Thanksgiving Montage, My niece suddenly knows how to read and write! She read me a bedtime story AND wrote this on the dry-erase board at the end of…


“I’m still hanging on — but I’m doing it wrong” The mind is a powerful sponge. I just woke up from a well needed nap…to find myself in…

2nd Most Embarassing Yahtzee Score Ever

107 will forever be the worse. No one will ever sink as low as Mikey. My personal shame? Last night. I played 4 games of Yahtzee and didn’t…


Oh. My. I’m exhausted. I spent Friday-Saturday-Sunday until 1am Monday with my darling 11 year old cousin Jessica. Twas her mom and Lori’s 1st anniversary weekend and while…

Baby, oh Baby!

This past Saturday I went home and met my new nephew Alex. πŸ™‚ So cuddly! And to think there was a time when I didn’t like wee babies!…