Category: HomesteadingPage 2 of 3

Preserving Tomatoes

All those tomatoes from the other day became 22 jars of green tomato pickles, 4 jars of roasted tomato sauce with basil. And one bushel  tomatoes hanging out…

WNY Herbalism Conference

Calling all my herbalist plant loving friends out there…the FIRST Western New York Herbal Conference is taking place THIS SUNDAY and there just *might* be a space or…

Canning Time!

Creamy Roasted Veggie Soup, Tomato Sauce and Potato Mushroom Soup. #PressureCanning

Mushroom Mushroom

I really need to take a mushroom foraging class. Found all these in our yard/woods while walking the dogs. I bet they are edible, but I’m too afraid…

Mushroom Foraging

Mushroom Foraging. Back behind the house we had a giant puffball mushroom growing a bit ago, that HWMMS poofed and spores went everywhere. Today, while walking the doggos…

Homesteady Weekend

I did a little cooking this weekend. Roasted a chicken, made some bone broth chicken soup, made three chicken/chard/mushroom alfredo lasagnas, three ground beef, basil, tomato lasagnas, birthed…


Meh. Not my best brine. Didn’t have celery salt. Oh well. It’s a start!


HWMMS: I’m putting you in charge for coming up with our dish to pass for Old Fort Niagara. Me: Cherries! (Thinking bringing bags of sweet cherries, simple, and I…

Edible Weeds

Dandelions: Yes of course I’ve eaten dandelion greens. My problem is I seem to wait too long and then they are too big and tough and bitter or they…

Porch Gardening

I love our life so freaking much. I realized it was going to ice storm tomorrow so I started drinking and replanting and while finding more pots I…

Turkey For You, Turkey for Me

Tis the season where you can buy GIANT or not as giant or medium smallish sized turkeys up the wazoo at the grocery store for insanely cheap prices!…


Home. For all those days I complain about rural internet, I need to look at this photo.

Garden 2017

Garden 2017 Working List in Progress Front Yard Garden (Left) Russet Potatoes Kennebec Potatoes Rainbow Beets Nantes Carrots Red Pontiac Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Fort Portal Jade Bean Hidasa…

Garden Update

Garden Update. About 65% complete transplanting perennial medicinal herbs (echinacea, lovage, milk thistle, marshmallow, wormwood, hyssop, yarrow, horehound, valerian, borage & chamomile) and adding new seeds to the…


In a quest to use more of nature’s free gifts at Weber Wonderland I decided this would be the year I would weed, I mean forage for Dandelions….

Sunburn Sunday!

Because Saturday sucked, or didn’t go quite as I hoped. I had an early bedtime and woke up at a normal hour this morning. Baby was it cool…

One Step Closer

HWMMS will never admit this, which is why I need to record this thought on the blog for my own sanity and future reference. TONIGHT while we were…

A Letter of Adoration to My Instant Pot

Dear Instant Pot, In case there was any doubt, I wanted you to know that I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment I opened that beautiful…

Canning Apples

Tonight’s journey in canning, must process all the apples! 8 quarts of apple pie filling, 8 quarts & 8 pints of applesauce.   Save

Homesteading HWMMS

Homesteading HWMMS. Just got home from showing properties…to find HWMMS in the kitchen pickling hot peppers, cucumbers…making homemade kimchi and roasting squash for dinner. Happy harvesting and homesteading…

Kimchi Making Hubby

Just got home from showing properties…to find HWMMS in the kitchen pickling hot peppers, cucumbers…making homemade kimchi and roasting squash for dinner. Aw, my happy homesteading hubby. Mind…

Little House on Weber Wonderland

It’s getting all sorts of Little House on the Prairie like at Weber Wonderland the last few weeks. I have trays of herbs drying everywhere. Canned lots of…

Millions of Peaches

Ok, not millions but at least a bushel. Peaches for me. LOOK OUT! Save

Homemade Tomato Sauce

Homemade Tomato Sauce. Can you smell it? Tomatoes cooking down….mmmmm. Heaven. What did I do before making homemade sauce? I depended on jars from a grocery store? For…


Me: So why are they dropping the tractor off at the end of the driveway? HWMMS: So I can be the one to triumphantly drive that mother f**ker…

Pressure Canner: Why Am I Terrified Of You?

Pressure Canner: Why Am I Terrified Of You? HWMMS (He Who Makes Me Smile) mentioned the other day that he was shocked that we didn’t already own a…

Sauce. Simmering. Smells. Spectacular.

Sauce. Simmering. Smells. Spectacular. Sadly, the tomatoes are not my own. Currently in the large garden plot I have a RIDICULOUS amount of tomato plants that have reached…