It happened more than once. More than twice actually. When Mark and I were dating and out and about for some reason people thought he was a saxophone player. Somewhere in the universe a look-a-like Sax Mark must exist. I always got a kick out of it too…Mark was artsy, but not musically inclined. Although he did look good holding a saxophone…

My mind wandered down this street last week while I was at Rockwell Hall watching the Clara String Quartet play. All my life, or at least most of it that I can recall…I’ve had a crush on the Cello. I played violin in elementary school for two measly years but really wanted to play Cello. I quit at the time because our string teacher was, how does one say this? Awful. I wanted to learn more. I wanted to read music. And my little sassy 6th grade self decided the old lady teacher wasn’t worth it and I stuck to chorus instead.

But I always wanted to play Cello.

Weird, right?

I never came back around to the instrument…once I got to High School I found myself consumed with chorus and art classes instead. All things, ya know? In college I also sang in Choir and took one wee semester of Class Piano, because well, it was a fun thing to do. But I never had the inclination to succeed and study and persevere and fall in love with ONE thing. One art, one instrument, one…anything actually. I would say the closest I’ve come to a true love would be writing…I took all the creative writing classes in High School and a few in College but…again, tis one thing I enjoy more than anything but not THE ONE THING.


I’m not a one thing kind of woman, artistically speaking. 🙂 I want to paint. I want to sing. I want to write. I want to take photographs. I do all these things, but not one defines me.

Tis very interesting to me to meet and become friends with professional musicians. People who found their true love back as a child and have worked and worked and practiced and succeeded all their life, and are able to get paid to do what they love, to have that one thing they excel at above all others.

As a scatterbrain with many interests in the world who seeks out many and excel at none…I wonder what that’s like?

Just something I was pondering…

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