Someone thought this was rather amusing and I should share with you all…

Oh, tis a curse…I can’t help it. Call me Compassionate Unemployed Girl.

Yeah, yeah…we all know about me complaining about money woes.

They are many. I have been selling non-essential material goods on Ebay and to pay the rent for the last two months. I hit a 2 week dry(er) spell than the previous weeks, that I was not expecting. Yikes! MUST GET JOB! Must send out resumes.

Ah, but I must buy resume paper and stamps…alas.

So yesterday I headed to the Post Office to spend WAY too much money on shipping out my orders the last week or (longer) I mean you DO get reimbursed for shipping but you need that money upfront! Ouch!

I found myself splitting the shipping between two post offices. Since, well do you KNOW how happy the workers are when they see me come to the window? Imagine…I do not want to bear the brunt end of that scenario…

Post office one. Total cost $35.
Post office two. Total cost $30.

Of course I also had to buy a book of stamps, in order to send out the resumes. (This is the *funny* part)

So, what does a Jen, who has been WHINING that she can’t remember the last time she purchased meat at the grocery store do?

I OF COURSE spend the extra $1.60 to get the Heroes 9/11 stamps.

Part of the Social Awareness Series. The extra money goes to charity.
I opt for the Family Violence stamps frequently as well as the Breast Cancer Awareness stamps.

I can’t help it! Yes, I need the $1.60, but they need it more! I will forego the Buffalo News a random three times. Or something…

Ugh, my bleeding compassionate conservative heart.

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