Creating a newsletter for my blog has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.

Last night I had a conversation that helped me realize I should do this sooner than later. So I did. Just now. I created a newsletter setup via MailChimp — and when you sign up, the prompt asks you to “Confirm Humanity” and I sort of love that especially in light of our current, well, our current everything.

When people subscribe via WordPress as I had it before, the posts are sent to you individually as soon as I publish them. For anyone who has been a subscriber, you know this usually means 5-10—sometimes even more posts at a time. And usually in the wee small hours of the morning. I get it, It can be overwhelming.

In reality, the posts are usually a period of my mindset over a several days, a week or two and sometimes even monthly. I always backdate them appropriately so they are in the timeline where I can go back and make sense of them later if need be, which I do A LOT.

My blog is my outlet. My place to get things out of my head. My place to go back to and see what I was thinking, doing in the past. It’s my personal journal, that I happen to have available for people to read and follow along if they choose. But it is MY place. I blog for me. If others are entertained or moved along the way, that’s AMAZING. But it in no way is reflective of my entire life as a whole, it’s a snapshot of various moments in time.

For anyone who has previously signed up for updates through WordPress, I have deleted all the accounts and eliminated the plugin.

If you choose to follow and get updates, please sign up here through MailChimp, where you can have an option of a weekly or monthly blog roundup, links to my daily news dumps, and/or WNY specific information. 

We are living in uncertain, dark times and all doing the best that we can. But if I know that my posts could be triggering someone else or making people worry about me in a way I cannot control or ease their minds, well, I feel like I have a bit of responsibility to do something about it.

The thing is, it’s ok to not be ok.

And there are many times I’m not ok because of depression.

And there are many times I’m not ok because the world is a tirefire.

And it doesn’t really matter what the reason.

I’m safe. HWMMS is 100% in the know. I have a large group of close friends (and some family) who are day-to-day in my life. I even have a doctor who is completely up-to-date with my mental health state. Hell, I share openly with the public what I feel without abandon! I’m not hiding anything.

Depression is not the same as being depressed. And it’s difficult to understand this unless you are one of the chosen ones who share this disease. I’m well-versed by now when things are bad and so is my husband.

Right now while the world is completely spinning, I’m a bit of All Things Depression and Depressed and Manic and Meh. But I’m ok. I will be ok. (Will America? Only time will tell…)

<———-> Click here for All Things Coronavirus Diaries

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