Whoa. I haven’t been counting the days or blogging the last few weeks, because I’m back to work, much less free time. I just realized today is my #Day100 of isolation. 100. Days.
Sigh. I have a profound weight of sadness I can’t seem to shift out of right now. All the collective everythings from the last few weeks kept piling on and then BAM – our kitty passes away and the flood gate of all the feelings in the world unleash.
It sounds RIDICULOUS but all these feelings are entwined for me. I grieve again for Mama Weber, remembering how terrified Dani Cat was when we moved her to our house after she passed away.
I’m sad for all our other furbabies who died, not at home lying on my chest in comfort and love like Dani did…but instead alone at the vet or put to sleep or hit by a car.
AND THEN the real shit hits the fan. And I grieve over everyone I’ve lost – and beyond – everyone dying without a feeling of comfort. Because of pain & sickness or alone (like Mama Weber) or from a fucking horrific brutal attack. Or war.
Yeah, my mind goes down THAT much of a rabbit hole. And it’s all unleashed in an instant because a sweet, old kitty cat.
I let out small bursts of tears from time to time. But with the state of the world the last, ugh……..so many years, each day I try to keep it together a little more because I sometimes think if I honestly felt all the things and started crying, I might never stop.
It’s fun being me. 😉 It must be a joy being married to me. Life of an Empath.
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