Day #12 – I’m actually drinking coffee today and feeling better. Shhhhh. Don’t tell the evil virus! Also, check out the growth on that darn short short haircut! WILD right?

Earlier today, I texted a few friends saying I have severe guilt knowing I’m in a place at Weber Wonderland where HWMMS and I will be ok during this Coronavirus pandemic. And be able to host friends & family if it was really necessary.

Having been a person living barely paycheck-paycheck and working for nonprofits all my life with a *ton* of student loan debt, I’m all too aware of the reality of missing a paycheck. Having grown up poor, I know the importance of stocking up when things are on sale because you never know. Of being self-sufficient growing your own food, canning, freezingkeeping your pantry full because you never know when you NEED CHERRY CHIP CAKE?

And then I married HWMMS, who is a prepper planner by nature. His family had enough money to save and plan for the future. Without our (now) dual-income partnership, I would be floundering. I can’t imagine if we had kids.

I’m home. Safe (sick since 3/6) I have a job with paid time off and I’m now working from home. HWMMS is working every other day from home. We are immeasurably lucky. I want to make things better for others. I have guilt because right now, I’m ok. Yeah I know, privilege.

My empath heart and soul is breaking…

Springville Center for the Arts – Not unlike every single cultural in our area, my beloved SCA is suffering because of loss of programming and had to lay off their staff this week.  If your not a member, please consider making a donation today if you can. Heck, if you are a member, make another donation if you can.

FeedMore WNY– (formerly the Food Bank of WNY & Meals on Wheels WNY) is in a desperate need of volunteers to deliver meals and sort food in the warehouse. If you can’t volunteer – donate here! EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS!

The United Way of Buffalo and Erie County offers 211-WNY as a resource for getting connected to services you may need. 

I get news content from WBFO, Weber Wonderland is a nonTV house. I’m a proud supporter. PLEASE if you have the means, help keep this important resource free for the public and become a donor. Especially in times like these. Thank you.

SUPPORT LOCAL RESTAURANTS – This past weekend we ordered out from our local Chinese restaruant in Springville, Panda House (after reading this article, I had the craving to help out.) Then this morning I saw Kiril’s Restaurant had a breakfast post and encouraged people to come order and I asked HWMMS if he would stop after work, since we usually go there on the weekend for brunch and missed out this past weekend. Well, a few hours later. They are closed for the foreseeable future. 🙁 So we ordered from the next spot down the road we love, Julie’s Restaurant. Next on the list – Main Street Pizzeria & Cafe. Support YOUR local restaurants!

WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE RECEIVING A LITTLE HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT WITH A STIMULUS CHECK IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. If you can spare a little or a lot—give back to your community. It WILL make a difference.

Buffalo News -COVID-19 patient: ‘It’s made me feel like I’m some sort of a typhoid Mary’

“He feels terrible about the way he moved around the Buffalo area before he knew he had the virus. But he had gone to his primary care physician and was diagnosed with bronchitis, not COVID-19.”

What to do if YOU think you have symptoms? (Like I do (did?), sigh…)

And here we are at the end of the day where I tuned in to daily Erie County Press Conference. Tis the point my normal numbed anxiety turned to rage.


I can’t believe this is America. Except, I can.

So—I logged off. I went outside. Breathe in fresh country air, breathe out fresh country air. I walked to the side of the porch where I saw THE GARLIC IS SEVERAL INCHES OUT OF THE GROUND! Hurrah! (I’ve not been outside, I’ve been sick…oh and the snowbanks are finally melting.)

Me: The garlic and bulbs are coming up!

HWMMS: I know, I saw that the other day.

Me: But, you didn’t tell me!

HWMMS: Oh, sorry. I did tell you Brenda & Jessie adopted a puppy though.

Me: True, true.

One of my favorite people Sarah from Sweet Flag Herbs sent out a thorough and thoughtful newsletter last night. I read every word. And then I emailed her and said thank you. I highly recommend the read: COMMUNITY RESILIENCE: COVID-19 THOUGHTS AND ARTICLES

But herbs are inadequate to support health without a foundation that fosters community resilience, and I’d be remiss to pass over this…

If you are blessed with the privilege of staying home from work (and other events) without serious financial strain, please take a moment and reflect on your good fortune. You have access to the best preventative medicine available–distance from other people–and this warrants gratitude, not a freakout 🙂 May we take our nervous energy and think about how we might support one another–particularly those who are more vulnerable or stressed during this time.

Lovely right? Thank you Sarah. (And then she goes on to list a bunch of links and resources

————-> Click here for All Things Coronavirus Diaries

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