THAT SAID have I mentioned I’m over the moon to be back at work (from home?) Today, I had a staff meeting. Oh it’s nice to have meetings and things in a calendar again and to-do lists piling up that aren’t just domestic dreams. My position is shifting to more Development/Fundraising instead of Business Manager (day-day management.) The Coronavirus somewhat catapulted our plan a few months (year) into the future and I will be working full-time from home, indefinitely….
(I made this scribble during our staff meeting today.)
The support of my boss Megan as our leader is unparalleled. I’m a lucky, lucky soul for landing on her team. Everyone should have a Megan in their corner.
I’m VERY worried about heading out into the scary big world again, being high-risk for Covid-19 (obese, diabetic, asthma) so having this option into the foreseeable future is beyond appreciated. Until a vaccine can be found? Or until I’m tested again for antibodies and found positive this time? One week at a time. We’ll figure it out.
I wonder how many other businesses will be reconsidering their working environment after this pandemic. Looks like Twitter is ahead of the curve –Twitter just told employees they can work from home permanently.
HWMMS prefers being at the office. I actually enjoy working from home. I miss the people and the interaction of course, but that’s the part that keeps me from “working” all that “community relating” for minutes that turn into hours. I can go in once or twice a week and meet with people, do public tours etc and still get 90% of my work accomplished at home. It’s a win-win.
Over the past few years I’ve been freelancing and contracting and part-time working which led to a majority work from home type of lifestyle. It’s only been the last two years that I found something that pulled me back into the 40 hour, one nonprofit job world. I imagine for people who have never worked from home, the adjustment is wildly different. And then of course, add in the children at home factor for parents. I have two needy brindle doggos and three selectively demanding cats and I cannot even imagine adding tiny and not-so-tiny humans to the mix.
Ms. Dani Cat did NOT want me to take notes today at my meeting.
My big food project this afternoon was a HWMMS request. Chili. A few days ago we had short ribs soaking up BBQ sauce in the crockpot (with fresh sage and rosemary and garlic.) I took the remainder of that juice and added it to the Instant Pot with dried kidney beans. Added a pound of ground beef and a pound of ground sausage. Two cans of diced tomatoes. Can of tomato sauce. Garlic. Chopped Onions & Mushrooms. (WE HAVE SO MANY MUSHROOMS!) Chili Powder. Some sweet red wine I had leftover from the other night (as HWMMS said — LEFTOVER WINE? WHO HAVE YOU BECOME?) and I think that’s all! Into the pot, which made the kitchen smell amazeballs all afternoon. Oh, after it cooked I added probably a half cup of homegrown (and ground) blue corn powder to thicken the base.
Sweet BBQ chili topped with cheese! (I’ve had three bowls already today.) There’s approximately 27 more bowls waiting, because I have no idea how to cook for only two people.
ALSO while working today, I made sure to tune in to SCOTUS LIVE (and then taped because I had a staff meeting.) Tis fun for my Con Law Nerd side to play Nina Totenberg while listening to the questions. Also THOMAS – speaking! So much! (Although in this case, I wish I didn’t hear what he had to say.)
“God save the United States and this honorable court…”
Indeed. Unprecedented because, the Mad King doesn’t work with Congress. BURDEN? ARUGH. And I’m not so sure I like what I heard. Mad King will be protected and prevail, I’m gonna need to find a bunker in early June when the decision comes out. Alito was especially annoying to me for some reason. Breyer too.
Grrrr. And I didn’t even review the Fauci news yet!
Maybe I shouldn’t. Irritable and all.
Hmmmm, what else?
I sent out my first two email newsletter updates of All Things Jennifer. One was a monthly wrapup of April and the latest was a “weekly” roundup. This is something I’ve meant to do for years and years and years and now that I’m not sharing posts on Facebook (I actually completely deleted my All Things Jennifer Page!) I need to build up a list of followers and friends in my email world instead. It’s fun to do the roundups, but certainly more work than just allowing WordPress to automatically share with people when I post. If you are a subscriber, let me know what you think. (AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!)
This morning HWMMS pointed me to this link on Facebook — apparently, I have a reader out there in WNY who appreciates my gluttonous gluten goodness! Thanks for the mention Mr. Genco!
It really has been a lifetime ago since people READ BLOGS. Everything is snippets of content shared over a million different platforms. I miss the good ol’ days of clicking on the blogroll in the sidebar. Geez, at one point in time I was the bridemaid-but-never-the-bride of the WNY blogosphere being nominated three times in Artvoice for Best Blog. Coincidentally, at this time in my life I was also the bridemaid-but-never-the-bride in my love life as well. Ha.
I’ve been reminiscent and looking back at old blog posts lately for another reason…working on a quarantine project being baked up between me and my SIL for the near future. Wanna hint? Well…click on those links in that last sentence for a flash from the past!
And now, it’s time to read the rest of the news of the day and get all ragy. And start a new series to binge watch – The Expanse? It came highly recommended from a few of our friends. But first, time in the hot tub and maybe a shot or two of tequila, although if I do this I anticipate — early bed.
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