Every. Single. One.
Well, except not eating. I excel at overeating. And emotionally distant, meh. In the “please don’t check in on me I’ll be fine just leave me alone thank you” kind of way.
One thing I think I wish people without clinical depression could really understand is, YES OF COURSE we all feel this way from time to time, sometimes more times than not. But when you have DEPRESSION it is hard as hell to “snap” out of these moods. You know taking a walk, or taking a long shower, or listening to music or eating a giant salad or going to meet a friend will make you feel better but you DON’T FUCKING CARE AND CAN’T. Or in my case many times—try and do but become completely and totally exhausted faking though the smile of just being…So, there’s that.
I’m REALLY wishing I could do the skip work and sleep all day one today, but alas. #highfunctioningdepressive
Now that I think about it. I really have been truly blessed having very supportive “bosses” (friends) in my corner over the last decade(s) ++. It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the world when the people you work for and with understand that mental health is physical health.

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