Ding! Thank You Universe! I was a bad wife and didn’t do something I was supposed to do on time. My husband was loving and told me to just “get it done” by the end of the week. (Or Monday.)

Well, here it is. It’s Monday. And I’m for some stupid reason I’m blocked from “eating this frog.” I have no idea what’s wrong with me. It’s not even a negative situation or a conversation I don’t want to have—it’s just something I need to do. And haven’t done yet. Strangely enough, it’s like I’m stuck in the mud. But why? WHY? Just do it.

But wait.


At that moment, the person I’m supposed to get in touch with—randomly messaged me on Facebook. JUST NOW. Saying “I missed you…” EXCEPT SHE DIDN’T. I just didn’t get in touch with her yet. And no, it’s not usual for her to message me at all.

Problem solved—-I messaged her back immediately. Meeting scheduled for Wednesday. Not even a big deal AT ALL. Despite the fact I have been avoiding and ignoring.

I actually said out loud “Thank You Universe.” And then laughed and smiled. I guess I needed the extra prodding. No matter how many times these little things happen from day to day they still always surprise me and make me smile.

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