Disjointed Dreams. Hm.

I know one is supposed to write down their dreams as soon as waking so it makes the most sense and you remember the most, but I didn’t do that today. In fact I slept most of the morning away, waking up shaking my head wondering what the HECK was I just dreaming?

So I don’t think any of the next few sentences will make any coherent sense, but I’m going to write it down anyhow.

One part of a dream included my cousin Brian. I believe we were at the old Smith Homestead on Route 39, but it was present time. We were catching up because it had been a long time since talking.

In this same setting my friend from High School Shawn was around who I also have not talked to in forever and ever—-no joke it’s probably been 10 years now. Just catching up?

Another point, my family (I think I’m a teenager again and this is right after dad died?) Is getting ready to move from the Smith homestead to another home and there is this strange waterfall/pond/twisty creek that goes from the patio around the front lawn and back into the backyard. We have five dogs and cats and they keep going underwater and swimming around this infinite loop and not allowing us to catch them to bring them back in the car so we can leave. We don’t own the house yet, not sure mom even put in an offer, and we are about to get in trouble for trespassing because we’ve been in the house too long. We also are looking at the dining room/living room area and thinking that it is too small for our needs and I’m very upset that we are already set in stone to move to this place, I start considering what the room would be if we knocked out the one wall. NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE.

I did wake up thinking a lot abotu the old Homestead though. Once upon a time I really, really, really, REALLY wanted to buy it back. My Grandpa Smith built that home. Over time, well, once I met HWMMS and moved to Weber Wonderland, this dream and longing to reconnect to the past, save the past faded. Of course this dream has me thinking and wondering.

Silly dreams.

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