Lil Brother Tim has a countdown to XX or XY on his blog. One 192 days for Auntie Jen to get her act together to be a responsible role model for the most precious creation I could ever imagine laying eyes on. This has been a blog secret until now, I knew a little while ago but wanted them to share the news first. I am filled with excitement. For anyone who doesn’t know, my little brother is the most important person in my life. I can’t even imagine my life without such an amazing sidekick growing up. (By the way that growing up process is still occurring with his bigger sister, while he is wildly successful professionally and personally.) When he told me he was proposing to Dayna, it completed the circle. They were made for each other and inspire my belief in true love. And now there is a baby on the way…looking at the pictures of the sonogram last night, amazed me. My sister in law is already a beautiful woman. But my God, there is nothing like seeing her now…radiant. And my brother, who adores her above all other, somehow adores her even more. It is a continuing love story unfolding…stay tuned for the details.

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