Like the *good little law student* I am.
I switched my schedule to take, New York Practice and Trial Technique.
Because I want to waive that last semester of residency requirement that I need in the Spring and graduate in February instead. I need 12 credits to graduate, BUT because of my sketchy attendance from one semester to the next, I was told I would need another semester to complete residency requirements.
Enter financial aid drama of the last few weeks…and now? I was told by the Dean of Students as well as the Registrar that I could apply to waive that last semester residency requirement, of course upon passing all of my courses this Fall. So?
And since I pray that this is my last semester, and a bar exam could be on the horizon? I MUST give in to the NY Practice. And Trial Technique? Will be a welcome reminder of those rules of Evidence and Procedure…classes I took, um, several years ago.
The other two classes are Special Education Law and Practice (with the Dean of Students!) and Educational Psychology in the Counseling and Learning Psychology Department.
Just in case there is NOT a lawyer in me yet, and I choose to apply to the Teaching Fellows Program
Wish me luck!
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