The Art of Happiness at Work

No, it wasn’t quite *be excellent to each other* but it fell somewhere along those lines. I read this book and thought. Gee. I am damn lucky I love where I work. I really do. I mean the social atmosphere, the people, the mission, the service. My particular position is tedious and I am far too over educated to have this position for my lifetime, (otherwise known as as soon as those student loans kick in I am in deep shit) But overall? I am happy.

My job came along last May at the most perfect time possible. A door was opened and I stepped right…most perfect synchronicity. And here I am a year later, so thankful for the opportunity I have had to meet so many amazing people in our community. All because I am sitting at the front desk.

Next step? We will see…I also am proud that I know myself well enough to know what I could be capable and very good at doing….vs. what I deep down inside know I would not be happy doing. Practicing law…is not what I want to do. I want to use my education from law school for a greater good and my future career, yes. But being a lawyer? I don’t think I could sleep with myself at night knowing that I won a case or lost a case that I feel was unjust in the end. And it would be at my hand. And I don’t have that in me. I just don’t. I KNOW this.

I have to add this snippet cause one of my favorite co-workers from upstairs, who always refers to me as *sunshine* just said to me…”You don’t belong here, I don’t know where you belong, but you should be a writer or something. “

Anyhow. I thought this was a pretty good read. Again, I am quite happy with the agency I work for right now, but I did relate to many of the stories from my previous employment…at the point when getting out of bed to go to work is harder than hell. Yeah. Been there. Hated that. Again, synchronicity. Had my circumstances not ended like they did, I might still be miserable and working there. I did love my work and the kids I served, and most of the people I worked with, but the agency no longer supported my needs and the needs of the clients they were there to serve. I hated myself by the time I left.

And as the Dalai Lama tells us…

*The purpose of life is happiness*

*Happiness is determined more by the state of one’s mind than by one’s external conditions, circumstances, or events-at least once one’s basic survival needs are met*

*Happiness can be achieved through the systematic training of our hearts and minds, through reshaping our attitudes and outlook*

*The key to happiness is in our own hands*

In our own hands. Indeed. Sometimes we just need that extra push.

“I believe that genuine power results from the respect that people give you. Real power has to do with one’s ability to influence the hearts and minds of others.”

“People are happier at work if they view their work as a calling. One way of doing that is by reshaping one’s attitude and trying to discover a higher purpose or meaning to one’s work.”

“So when seeking work, or if you already have a job, it is important to keep in mind that a human being isn’t meant to be some kind of machine designed only for production. No. Human life isn’t just for work…So if you are looking for work and have the choice of a job, choose a job that allows for the opportunity for some creativity, and for spending time with your family.”

“There is a difference between happiness and the mere absence of depression.”

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