1. Erin just told me she was at Bath and Body Works and she found PEACH!
Peach peach peach peach peach peach peach! 🙂 My very favourite peach!
2. I found *the place*
A 3 bedroom upper flat in Elmwood Village. WITH MUCH artist loft space in the attic that the landlord actually *had* to show me so Mark could use it for painting! (Just so happens landlord holds her MFA in PAINTING from UB, which is what Marky Mark Mark is going for!)
I was worried because another place we found? The landlord called us this weekend and said she really liked US and wanted to rent her 3 bedroom in Elmwood Village to us…and several people had shown interest since we saw it on Thursday. Mark and I liked the place a lot. BUT couldn’t say…YES. We went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth all day on Sunday. A nice place, but it didn’t feel like *us* BUT it should have. Very large, very spacious, hardwood floors, great landlord. But I couldn’t say yes. And I started *not so secretly* wondering if it was more the idea of cohabitation that was holding me back, or the fact that it was on our high end of what we wanted to pay…or or or…
Well, it was because I found THE place today. And I will not say much more…until it is formal. If not this place, I am sure there are others but this one…I adore.
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